m0useanswered grow question 10 months ago The first pic looks like balls 99%, but I don't see any pistils in that area. If these are the only two balls pluck em off and keep and eye on it.
The 2nd pic I don't see any but I do see some pistils.
If their are more balls on the plant then it needs to be culled.
Granted if this is your only plant, go though and keep plucking off the balls till harvest. Its a lot of work but better then nothing.
Sometimes plants can pop out a few balls mid/end of flower on some strains and that's sorta normal. but popping them off as it enter flower is a bigger worry as it means its going to keep trying to make more and more most likely. If you descide to keep this plant, do not use any seeds it may make, destroy them or eat em or feed them to birds. If they grow they will pass on that hermi trait.
Contact the breeder that you purchased this from. Let them know and maybe they will give you some new ones. or credit.
If you grew these from bag seed or a buddy and don't know their origins. lesson learned, don't lol.