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Harvesting question

Catsquachstarted grow question 10 months ago
On week 14 for the auto and was wondering if they are ready to harvest . Been flushing them for 10 days now and believe it might be time but also want to hear feedback from more experienced growers. I know the photos prolly aren’t much help but it seems that trichromes are cloudy
Week 13
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 10 months ago
Personally I think you started flushing a week or two early buddy. thing is with only going by the trichomes they all mature at different rates so maybe that bud looks cloudy but others wont be mature that's why people do partial harvests which is actually something I would advise here. adding any feed now would be pretty pointless. there are a few more signs that "most strains" will tell you before harvesting a large one I l;ook out for is that the pistils of the buds have curled inwards and look like they are drying up also most strain will give off a pungent smell yet another sign that a cannabis plant is ready for harvest this plant still has a lot of white pistils this signifies to me she is still searching for male pollen meaning she is still growing and trying to bulk up to create more surface area and more pistils to try and catch that male pollen. with autos they are very finicky and the gene ruderalis is generally new in the cannabis world I mean the guy that invented it or discovered it is still alive today. its pretty audastic to make the claims that some breeders do in my opinion because from my experience unless you have perfect growing conditions you will never finish an auto in the time that it states some people can and get great results but never found that to be right. anyway you haveto keep in mind what your are going for when selecting a seed or style of growing it is possible to get a tent full of bud in 10 weeks using methods like SOG and 12/12 from seed so if speed is something you are after this is almost a solid option to get the yields in a short time frame I think the ruderalis gene has not been "perfected" yet meaning I find it still an unstable gene in my opinion some breeders make better autoflower seeds than other that's just fact but yeah I'm getting a bit off topic here lol what I was trying to get at is that most auto flowers take just as long if not longer than most photoperiod hybrid or indica plants so I find them pretty pointless and the fact you cannot clone them nor can you reveg them just takes many tools away from the grower toold used that can increase yields and plant health and even breeding. anyway congrats in growing a nice plant we all make mistakes that's how we learn as growers so don't let it get in your head you've done a great job here :) best of luck for the dry and cure :)
Organomananswered grow question 10 months ago
I would give it another 10 days or so. Wait until there are 95-98% brown pistils, this will usually co-incide with the oft quoted 10-30% amber trichome "rule" that gets a lot of promotion. Going by pistil colour is an easy method for newer growers to understand and this way you won't have to look too closely at or try and judge the trichomes. I hope you are not drowning your plants with gallons of water to "flush" them, all that is required is to stop all fertilizers and just give them plain water in normal amount and at normal intervals for the last 10-20 days and let the plant flush itself naturally.
m0useanswered grow question 10 months ago
I agree with other may have been a bit early, but o well, will know better for next time. Its nothing going to wreck your harvest or grow. Just maybe a bit smaller but nothing massive. I would not change anything your doing like starting to feed it again, just let it go and ripen over the next week then harvest. One note on flushing end of cycle. IMO it is useless. Flushing is a great tool to correct a potential catastrophic issue in the substrate but it does not leach anything from the plant, Its not how plants work. multiple studies have shown this and when they took weed that has been flushed and not flushed the panel of weed testers could not differentiate the difference nor could lab results and if there where any changes they where so small and negligible it could have been in the realms of normal fluctuations within the samples themselves. Good Luck Next Run!
LSchnabelanswered grow question 10 months ago
By the looks of it, you still could have about a week or two left to go. This really does depend on your preference though. The longer you wait and the more amber the Trichomes are the more of a “couch lock” effect you will have. The color of the hairs are one good tool to use to tell when they are ready but the best and only way in my opinion it to check the Trichomes out. I use a jewelers loop to look into my bud and check out the Trichomes. I like to see roughly 10-20% amber when I harvest. I think you may have been slightly early on the “flush” but at this point you should continue it and just finish without adding nutrients. I hope this helps.
Hashyanswered grow question 10 months ago
I'd also say you started just water a little early, they look close but not quite ready, maybe 2 weeks left.
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 10 months ago
When looking at the pics from the question, I think you might have started your flush a little early but looking at the diary I'm less sure. The trichomes would take the guess work out of it though.
GanjaGeckoanswered grow question 10 months ago
Hey grüß dich. Wie du sagst, es ist sehr schwer zu erkennen. Die Pistols (die kleinen Härchen) sind fast alle noch weiß. Zu einem sind die weißen Härchen ein Indiz. Ich halte eine Lupe an die Buds um zu gucken wie die Trichome aussehen. Damit fange ich erst an wenn die meisten Härchen braun sind. Dann kann man von ausgehen die meisten Trichome cloudy sind und langsam anfangen in Richtung amber.
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