Looks healthy. the top fwe nodes look like they are too tight as the fan leaves are very close together (vertically). If you haven't recently raised lights, might be good idea to do that. you'll know for sure in a few weeks if you bleach teh top of a bud, lol.
sounds like you may be thinking it's too much light already? if they are droopy at end of day for 2 hours or so, that is a sign of a tired plant that took in more light than it can handle in a day. 16h is fine. I wouldn't go much lower than that for vege phase though. Use dimmer, maybe 5-10% less, or raise light a bit.
the leaves are relatively perky in the picture. if the clawing at bottom moves up, you may need to react to that.. if it stays on older leaves, no biggie. That would be a sign of too concentrated fertilizer given. the slower something like that occurs, the smaller the adjustment is needed to fix it "next" time, but may need more of an initial reaction to reverse an ongoing issue.