
First grow

GrowrillaPharmstarted grow question 4 months ago
First time grower! Any tips or tricks appreciated 👍
Week 3
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Be careful of overwatering and over fertilization. Fox farms loves to tell people to over feed and flush when you can just feed normally with no flush. their soil mix also hold lots of water, and this can be problematic to the roots, they get rot as they don't dink the water fast enough. You pots look a bit to wet to me but give them time to try out a bit between waterings. lastly if your going to be using liquid nutrients a TDS pen that reads in EC is a good tool. its not 100% needed but i find it a great option to have to calculate my feeds strength then I dilute it down or increase it if its outside my desired levels. Good Luck!
LSchnabelanswered grow question 4 months ago
Your diary is looking good so far but my biggest tip for any new member is absorb as much knowledge on the subject as you possibly can. YouTube has thousands of videos to watch on every aspect of growing. Dr Bruce Bugbee does great work in getting his findings in his lab onto YouTube in simple terms for everyone to understand. There are some great podcasts to listen to that are a wealth of knowledge too. As much as I can tell you here, the number one thing a new grower can do is get educated on growing. So much good information out there now opposed to 15-20 years ago when I started. I hope this helps.
GoldenWeedGroweranswered grow question 4 months ago
I took a look at your diary, and your girls look great, so so worries at all. In general you should follow the most detailed diary from growers you would like to be similar to (e. g. for the irrigation system, the substrate used, the environment, etc.) and deeply analyze them diaries. Also, visit web places, forum and specialized sites that can help a lot. Feel free to ask here for any doubts. Have a nice grow !