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Leafs are deformed. No Damage, just grew odd...

Moritz87started grow question 9 months ago
Leafs are deformed. Can almost exlude the common causes. Also no pests visible. Leafs dont seem to be damaged. Had cold winds the last few days and cloudy 23 degrees max. Could this be due to cold weather? Will this affect the grow as a whole? The coming leafs seem fine again.
Week 1
Hazeanswered grow question 9 months ago
Hello, i think its all okay. Give her time and if the newer leafs okay it will be fine. Which soil you use?
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Selected By The Grower
FuzzySnoutanswered grow question 9 months ago
IMHO that kind of leaf deformities is caused by early feeding. I think that even in coco coir free of nutrients one shouldn't start feeding from first day, and you grow in soil (that already has nutrients) and already feed your seedlings. I never saw this happen due to cold weather, even at 12°C. Growth is primarily affected by environment and nutrients. A couple of deformed but otherwise healthy leaves cannot affect growth.
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LSchnabelanswered grow question 9 months ago
A lot of times this is purely genetic and the first few sets of leaves can be mutants. Likely the more it grows the next sets will be more uniform and look fine. Wind can defiantly play a role in damaging leaf structure. Damage a young leaf during its formation can always lead to odd shapes. But my guess is still it’s genetics and you should be just fine the more mature it gets. I hope this helps.