
yellow color fast buds purple lemonade

newibieeeeeestarted grow question a month ago
hello i have a question regarding color appearing in my plant the plant height is 22 cm the light is 80 cm away and the ph iam watering is always 6.5 . iam folowing the instructions of this diary and iam in the 4th week .
Organomananswered grow question a month ago
You have to do your own thing, following someone elses grow like a "recipe" is bound to lead to over fed plants. You need to watch YOUR plants and react accordingly........your plants are geting too much food at this stage. Everyone uses different ingredients for their substrate and what might be fine for one plant in one situation will not work for every plant in every situation, even of the same strain and from the same breeder. Plants are like children, they may have the same parents, but no two children share the same food tastes! Anyway, the solution is simple....reduce the feeding. Also, if you are serious about results and want the best answers possible to any future questions you might post, start a diary. The more information you provide, even small details, will all help people to formulate answers and pinpoint any issues.
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