
Autoflowers nutrients feeding plan

Stasiustas11started grow question 4 months ago
Hi someone using Advanced nutrients and can tell me if this plan will work for autos, I already have all this nutrients
GoldenWeedGroweranswered grow question 4 months ago
It's too much!! I don't know if you run soil, coco or hydro, but you need to know all the functions of this stuff before using it! - CalMag is useful if you use RO water, as there isn't Calcium or Magnesium inside it. Tap water can be ok without calmag. - Grow and Bloom A/B contains the main nutrientr N-P-K - Bud Candy, Big Bud are additives with secondary nutes and enachement - B52 are B vitamins - Rhino Skin is mainly silica (for plant structure) - Voodo Juice and others mentioned by you are enzymes for roots, you need to use it with caution or you will go to burn out your girls. My advice is to use only necessary stuff in the beginning (grow/bloom and calmag) and very little amount and learn day by day what are your girl's needs .. In the beginning, don't let EC goes over 1.2 and see what happens. If she reacts well, rise very slowly the EC and, again, see what happens . Try to follow the plant signs and do it slowly without sudden changes.. Also a couple of day of flush anytime can be a good idea,as the plants come out very hungry from thart days. 😋 Have a good grow 💪💪💪!
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Selected By The Grower
FuzzySnoutanswered grow question 4 months ago
That doesn't look like a feeding plan although it has time intervals. It's just incredible mess of all available Advanced Nutrients products. First: there are base nutrients like for instance (but not only) Grow Coco A+B, they are absolutely necessary during growing stage Another base nutrients like for instance Sensi Bloom Coco A+B, they are absolutely necessary during flowering stage, therefore Grow nutrients are not needed any more. The rest are just supplements, enhancers, and vitamins, some of them can only be given at a certain growing stage, others - during entire life of the plant. Advanced Nutrients has custom calculator page for different levels of growing experience, take those for orientation.
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