m0useanswered grow question 8 months ago Nuke em with a Pyrethrum, Not all are equal get one that's off the plant within 2 weeks after application. Talk to a hydro store or email the storefront, if they don't know go someplace else.
Beneficial predators are great as a preventative but to use them as a cure you have to overload the plant and they can also get stuck in the buds. Given its just entering flower might be doable. will be more expensive and no telling if they will stay on the plant and complete the job. There are a hand full of good mites that will eat spidermites and only one or two that I know of that will go onto their webs and eat them and that's whats really needed.
no matter the path you pick. don't wait as they can get out of hand fast and spread to a lot of other plants. Their eggs can fall off into the soil then hatch later.
Good Luck!