
Can i use synthetic nutrients in my organic growth?

Snakekingstarted grow question 3 days ago
Hey guys i have a question about mixing a little bit synthetic nitrogen for one of plants because its lighter green compare to other. Is it kill my biological life. I grow organic and my soil is full of microbes/ batteries/ fung
Week 12
m0useanswered grow question 3 days ago
Should not be a problem. Its one in the same thing. Does the microbes break down the whole ingredient things into N or do you provide the N directly to the substrate like with urea. Some things like excess P can be harmful to fungi but we are growing weed not fungus. and even then it won't kill it off, it will just reduce its growth. I grow in soil outdoors and use manures and compost as well as liquid additives like salt based fertilizers. everything works out. Long term is where the issue can come from but just add back into the soil and your good.
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Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 2 days ago
Your soil biology will be fine, there is no problem or killing power by using a bit of synhetic nutrients.
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BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 3 days ago
Hello Snakeking, Yes you can add synthetic nitrogen with your organic grow and it will not harm your biological life. I used to grow in soil with Biotabs and feed synthetic when necessary. I did this because the biological life could sometimes not provide nutrients fast enough.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 3 days ago
Organic is a marketing word, especially without any tests from 3rd party companies. Which no Supplier for nutrients has, its all bullshit and the organic parts are organic, because they are cheap products like vinegar or lemonjuice. Probably those semi professional organic brands can fck up your crop more than a synthetic product ever could. Nitrogen is always good, as long as applied in the right amount and method.