
Why does she look so different when compared to other diaries of this strain?

chuguwugustarted grow question 3 days ago
I wonder if she looks okay for her age. I try to compare her to other pictures from grow diaries here and to me she just looks so different. May I have started to feed her too late? I hope she will still be growing and stretching a bit even though flowering has begun.
Week 5
m0useanswered grow question 3 days ago
It has entered early flower. Autoflowers sometimes do what ever the fuck they want. It will not be getting much bigger. This normally happens from stress, autos really don't like root stress and that can set them off. its why transplanting is not recommended or other HST things like topping. Other things that can set them off is temp swings or to much feed. So that's the reason it look so much more different. I would pop another seed and start over. I also find some auto strains from fast buds are harder to get going like LSD but other ones are more forgiving like OG Kush. Kinda of a cointoss till you try it out. Good Luck!
Selected By The Grower
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 3 days ago
Hello chuguwugu, I am sorry to tell you that this girl will not stretch and grow anymore. This plant will give you 5 grams if you continue. When I look at your experience and other diaries I would say f*cked up genetics.