
Gelbe Blätter

Hollywoodstarted grow question 3 months ago
Ich habe ein Problem mit gelben Blättern, woran kann das liegen? Habe eine etwas zu hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit 60% die ich versuche in den Griff zu bekommen. Ich komme jetzt in die Blüttewoche 6. Gedüngt wird einmal die Woche mit einen PH wert 6.5.Die Blüten sind noch nicht reif
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 3 months ago
Girsl showing lovely autumncolors, means chlorophyll goes back in the leaves and the colors show up, thats very lovely and no sign of beeing anything wrong. shes just coming to an end, good waterings and low an´mounts of d´feedings ( you always feed the soil not the plant, using molasses or sugarcontaining products help the microoranismns in the soil to let the plant finish
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Selected By The Grower
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 3 months ago
hay,60% humidity wont really effect the growth but you need to keep checking the fatter of the buds for mold, check the strain info for how resistant it is and if it says it tolerates mold then its not a problem.Iv flowered in 60-70 for years but that is with tolerant strains as some would certainly end up with some need to keep that air moving as the enemy is stale air.That looks like wk5 which is when the flowers are putting the most weight with an 8wk flower and its using a lot more PK,phosphorus and potassium.Shite and ash does the job great in organics.Bat guano for phosphorus which also helps to improve the smell and taste no end and wood ash for potassium.I'd say its "almost" certainly nutrient deficiant,and keep looking inside those fat nugs every few days.
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 3 months ago
i absolutely agree to @Palatinate_Mate
Wind_Weedanswered grow question 3 months ago
questo succede quando ce una carenza di magnesio e potassio
Organomananswered grow question 3 months ago
Starving for potassium.
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Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 months ago
It’s possible that she’s hungrier than what you are feeding her. When plants are underfed they tend to consume fan leaves to continue stacking buds. Your high humidity can also be playing a factor as well. However that pot seems awfully small and I’m guessing that she’s outgrown her home and getting root bound. When plants get root bound it also tends to destroy leaves. But you’re so close to the finish line and your buds are looking great. So I would suggest to try to get that RH down and just continue doing what you’re doing until you reach the finish line. At the end of the day, buds are the prize, not fan leaves. Ride it out and enjoy your harvest.
Wrs10answered grow question 3 months ago
Joo, das ist aus der Ferne ohne Hintergrundwissen zum Grow unmöglich so beantworten. Grundsätzlich verfärben sich Blätter zum Ende hin, aber mit dem Kenntnisstand zu deiner Frage würde ich sagen, dass die Pflanze P,K gut vertragen kann.
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Palatinate_Mateanswered grow question 3 months ago
Hey, du musst dir denke ich keine Sorgen machen. Gegen ende der Blütephase lagert die Pflanze Nährstoffe aus weniger relevanten Teilen in die priorisierten Teile um. Sprich: die Ganze energie geht in die Produktion von Buds und Harz, gerade die unteren Blätter sind nichtmehr relevant. Hoffe das hilft, viel Spaß bei der Ernte ;)
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