
hermie ? (first grow)

recluserstarted grow question 7 days ago
the plant is in week 3 of flower and i noticed little sacks with banana looking thingies inside :/hope u can see smth on those bad phone pics :D for now i paniced and put the plant in another room.. also if this is a hermie could the pollen be everywhere already
HerbalEduanswered grow question 7 days ago
few balls the first few weeks of flowering stretch on nodes mostly bottom of the canopy can sometime happen with some phenotype. That's usually not a problem if the plant is producing massively calyx and pistil elsewhere keep a watchfull eyes and just pluck the balls (they fall real easily if you just touch them) and you should be fine. it's start being a more concerning problem if: - the ball form in cluster and not single balls - the ball show inside the bud and not only on node preflower location - the ball show near the top of the canopy