
„Leave miner“ removal of leaves?

Chrisor23started grow question a day ago
Should I remove all leaves with a „leave miner“ pest? At which stadium should you do it? My plants don’t have that much leaves so far! Sprayed neem oil twice, gonna do a third coat in some days… Don’t know what to do, but seems pretty common when growing outdoor?
Organomananswered grow question 20 hours ago
As someone who has grown outdoors for forty years, I never worry about the odd bit of damage. Usually, if left alone for nature to solve it, a predator of whatever insect is causing the damage will arrive soon enough and get rid of the problem. Spraying anything also gets rid of good bugs, not just the problem ones and when there is an imbalance, this is when infestations and real problems occur. Often, doing nothing is the best option. I would not remove any leaves, leaf miner damage is, well.............minor! It may look ugly to you, but the plant will hardly notice and growth should not be affected in any way. If you really must spray something, a product with BT would solve your leaf miner issue. But only ever spray when the plant is in veg growth, spraying buds with anything is a no-no in my book.
Selected By The Grower
Germaicananswered grow question 18 hours ago
This is what a quick search gave me: "Neem Oil leaf miner" "Neem oil is an effective and natural method for controlling leaf miners. Leaf miners are sensitive to neem treatments, as shown in studies, and it can reduce larval mortality, fecundity, and adult longevity. " It's total natural and as long as there are no buds on your plant you can use it. Only downside, no lights no water on the leaves for the period and it takes time. Check it out before you start cutting.
Todzillaanswered grow question 20 hours ago
If you’re growing outdoors, you’re going to have insects. No way around it. I try and actively manage the pests that will ruin harvests; spider mites and caterpillars being my top two arch enemies. I have a lot of grass hoppers, spiders, etc which I don’t actively manage - other than a quick flick. Don’t worry about munched leaves; worry about infestations, webbing and shitting insects (caterpillars). Best of luck on your grow.