
Single leaf curling up. Help?

Cpeazy1337started grow question 20 hours ago
I have a singular leaf curling up. No other leaves are affected, the light is at 30in at top of grow tent and I haven’t used any nutrients. I need help identifying what it could be.
Week 3
modmyplantsanswered grow question 20 hours ago
Hey mate, First of all your plant looks healthy. since it is a single leaf i would simply ignore it. Tacoing leaves normally means that your light is too intense and the leaves try to lower the intake surface, but thats definetly not the case here, since its only one leaf. Probably grew like that, because of space problems or the stem/leaf could be slightly damaged on that side. Nothing i would worry about or give attention too. You can LST the top of your plant or bend the leaf covering your plant to the side, the big upper leaf pointing towards us. So your branches get sunlight. The top has to be bend down frequently or she grows straight up again like on your picture and shadows all branches to a point where your lst becomes useless. Happy Growing 👍
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Selected By The Grower
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 20 hours ago
Hello Cpeake1337, This is a sign from heatstress but for 1 leaf I would not adjust anything. Just keep an eye on it and place the lamp higher or circulate cooler air if more leaves start to show this sign. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
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