
Harvesting without hay smell

maximum_tokestarted grow question 20 days ago
Wondering how to alleviate the hay smell from harvest a branch broke off so i started drying and wanting to cure but after about day 4 drying i noticed it turned to hay smell(discouraging).
Leromeanswered grow question 20 days ago
The "hay" smell is actually the chlorophyll decomposing from the drying plant, which is normal to appear after around day 3 or 4 of drying weed. Once properly dried and trimmed you can jar your buds and the smell wont be there anymore. For achieving the best tasting product with least possible hay smell i found it is best to aim for a slow dry at around 55% relative humidity in a cool environment at around 18 degrees celsius / 60 fahrenheit for about 12-16 days, until the small branches on the nuggets start to snap when bending.
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m0useanswered grow question 20 days ago
They smell like that sometimes. judge it by the smell after the cure.
Robertsanswered grow question 20 days ago
It dried too fast to put is simply. It needs to dry slowly to preserve the profile of the flower.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 20 days ago
Either you dry very slow without curing or you dry slow and need the cure. The smell can come back after it’s sitting for a while in a jar. But honestly the moment you break the buds down the smell should change regardless. Did you try that? I dry my weed in 3-4days to avoid problems and it always smells like shit, but when I break a bud in half my whole house smells like a weed farm
Krisisanswered grow question 20 days ago
I had a bud that I left sit around just on a table to dry vs buds I had in an optimal environment to dry. The bud that was left out dried much faster and had a weird smell. The buds that dried much more slowly and optimally, smelled great. After jarring, the weird smelling bud didn’t smell anything like the others. From my experience- too fast of drying makes weird smells.
Papa_Tanswered grow question 20 days ago
The hay smell will go away during the cure. Let it dry properly and once it’s in jars you’ll have to burp the containers twice a day for the first two to three weeks and then once a day for the next 4-6 weeks. As you burp it daily you’ll notice the hay smell will dissipate. No stress, No seeds, no sticks. Enjoy your harvest.
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