
Hi, yesterday I change power from 50 % to 75%, dis...

Stasiustas11started grow question 3 days ago
Hi, yesterday I change power from 50 % to 75%, distance from plants 35 cm and some of leaf have burning tips last time I gave nutrients 10 days ago. I rise power to early, all plants are autos 27 days old from 3 days they start flowering
GrowerOGanswered grow question 2 days ago
Hello mate, i think the ligth isn't the problem here, i see more the first stage of a nutrient burn. If these girls are the same of your diary, you had an hign EC in the soil meaby you fed too much the plants before. Try to slow down for now with the nutriants and consider to do a flush if they need it. Good luck and happy journey!
attaroxanswered grow question 2 days ago
They look fine to me. lighter green in the newer growth is also normal. Id suggest you keep a close look on how the tip burn develops further. Since you increased power by a good amount, a slight tip burn could mean that the plant is still adapting to the higher transpiration rates. You could increase the light distance an inch or two if you are in doubt. Autos often don't need as much light as a photoperiod does and they also often consume less nutrients. Since they start flowering right now it could be a good idea to keep the increasing demand in mind. I myself would lift the lights a little bit for now. When you feel your plants need nutrients, consider those soon, if the EC has dropped yet . Early flower stage greatly affects total yield!
Green_clawsanswered grow question 3 days ago
They look fine if you have not gave feed for 10 days maybe a small dose will sort them out.