
How many weeks to go?

Dr_Dopestarted grow question a day ago
Hi everyone. So 2 of my cherry oreoz plants are just about in week 7 of flowering. These 2 plants seem to be developing faster then the other 2. Based on the pictures I was wondering how many weeks or days till flush and harvest you guys think?
Organomananswered grow question a day ago
I would give them another 7-10 days for maximum THC, but if you prefer sleepy couchlock effect, give them another 14-20 days or so. There is no need to drown your plants with gallons of water as a "flush", all you need to do is stop all fertilizers/nutrients/stimulants for the last 10-14 days before harvest and just give plain water in normal amounts and at normal intervals and the plant will flush itself naturally. Drowning the plant does not make the plant take in extra water or make things happen faster, transpiration of waste products is a fixed occurrence dependant on environmental factors such as temps and humidity and air exchange, being hyper washed with water does not make it more effective.
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DaddyPrime2answered grow question a day ago
id say a week on average. keep checking every 3 or 4 days or so cuz sometimes it'll develop fast towards the end. depending on what youre aiming for though. i wait till i see amber on a few parts of the plant but you have mostly cloudy and couldharvest now but id wait a week give or take. my best guess would be about 10 days
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