Trying grove bags for the first time. Very humid outside, but it has only stabilized at a RH of ~68 after 48 hours (1 with boveda and 1 without).
Is this an issue or what can I do to bring the RH down further?
68% is to high but it just might be that your sensor is off.
Always check the hygrometer with the "salt calibration" method first. Just google it, it is really simple.
If your living space has a higher humidity then 62% its gonna be impossible to lower the moisture content of the flowers.
Maybe if you stick it in the fridge for a while.
Do not use Boveda or Integra in Grove Bags. Just let them do their work. Humidity needs to regulate itself abd your bag should be somewhere able to "breath" so do bot store it to tight. Best of Luck and Sweet Smokes 💚
I'm trying some out now, I read not to use hydration packs so iv got mine curing without. It's been a week and I haven't opened the bags yet and looking through the window everything seems fine.