
Harvest window

Organic_Gstarted grow question 5 hours ago
How long you would guess untill full majurity? My babys are now 68 days old Recommendet harvest window is 65-72 days… Trichomes are mostly milky, somehow Not really amber trichomes in sight Should i wait till Monday?24h a day light period or total darkness for the last days
FogponicCultanswered grow question 4 hours ago
Looking good😊 I would wait for more amber trichomes, maybe a week or even a couple of days more. But in the end it is personal preference, more amber means more cbn which has sedative effects leading to a stronger body high. It's enough when you harvest before lights on with a normal 12h dark period in-between. Study's have shown that uninterrupted darkness for multiple days does not lead to more terpenes/potency. 24 hours of light does definitely has negativ impact on quality. Low temps preserve terpenses, at night highest content is achieved in less than 12 hours, when lights go on and temps rise above 25C plants release them to protect themselves from herbivores
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