It has nothing to do with the color of the hairs some strains the hairs don't turn so you cannot go by that strictly go by the trichomes.. what you want is mostly cloudy with about 10% to 15% Amber with about 5% clear and the rest milky that is my preference... I think it's too early to chat personally I would give it another week or two you would rather chop late than early.. also you can't go by what the breeder recommends because that is just a guesstimate and it's always a low ball.. fast buds told me 63 days on the kosher cake and it ended up being over 100 days... Also look at my auto kabul grow... I harvested that plant at the perfect time and there was barely any orange hairs at all.. some people say 30% amber I think that is too high and you lose the mental euphoria that the herb gives instead goes to your body and just makes you sleepy... A 100% boils down to the trichomes and nothing else..