
Little help for a rookie, please and

Rjh3kcstarted grow question a day ago
Hey guys in Missouri pretty new to this. I have got the growing down watering nutrition all that stuff and produced a couple plants and they were good quality smokes. I have the quantity down now looking to improve quality.
Krisisanswered grow question 18 hours ago
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 19 hours ago
Greetings to another from the "Show Me". "Quality" is gonna mean different things to different people. It could mean potency, it could mean bud density, it could mean a big terpene profile. When it comes to potency and terps, it's mostly a genetic issue though flavors will also be influenced by a proper cure. Bud density can be a combo of both genetics and light strength. Some general advice... Your grow room reminds me of my first setup. Mylar emergency blankets make a nice reflective surface. You can more closely mimic the "hammered look" that most grow tents and light reflectors use by crumpling up the sheets some before hanging them. It's supposed to help prevent hot spots by diffusing the reflected light in multiple directions. Also, while open room growing makes accessing the plants easier it also tends to waste a lot of the footprint of your lights. Also the quality of light gets worse the further away it is, so the light the bottom of your plant receives is weaker than at the top. That's why you'll see indoor growers train their plants to grow more horizontal, so more of the plant receives stronger light and also to fill out the light's footprint.
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gREEn7o0answered grow question a day ago
Improving quality is in my opinion 3 things: 1) Genetics - doesn't matter how good you do, if the genetics of the plant aren't quality, the results will not be either. 2) Environment - Get your environment dialed in. Temperatures, light intensity, and air flow are critical in producing a quality plant, and each plant may want something slightly different, adjust until you find what the plant thrives in. They don't all love the same environment. 3) Dialing in nutrients to the plants. Getting your nutrients dialed in also helps the plant put its best foot forward and helps it achieve top quality. Its more about ensuring your plant is never deficient, it always has what it wants and needs without going too far and locking it out with excess or bad ratios. At least until the end of its life, then depending on who you ask, stressing the plant can help it push itself a bit further. (Cold temps, flushing, ice flushing, extra dark time before harvest day, and a million other things dudes will tell you will increase potency, terps, smoke quality etc.. gotta try them for yourself and see if you think they make a difference or if they are bro science) I will say when I ran some shit with organic nutrients (worm shit, gaia, and some molasses teas) along with synthetic nutrients it was one of the best smelling crops I have chopped down. That's my 2 cents.
001100010010011110answered grow question a day ago
what we do beyond basic competency does not really impact 'quality.' That is entirely genetics beyond growing a healthy, happy plant. No product will make it taste better, that's bro-science. No product will increase potency, that's nonsense, again. If you are getting 50-60 g a sq/ft (barring a sick plant or runts, this would be when all plants or clones are at least decent), then you are doing what you control well. the rest is genetics. DLI = yield (not watts). Quality = genetics. there may be more nuance or other variables that are definitely important, but this is 90-95% of it. What we do and have control over is more about not stepping on our own foot. We can reduce quality of outcome, but as far as peak potential of outcome, that is determined by genetics. Watts are bad metric because efficacy of lights can wildly vary. My lights are 2.89umol/J efficacy (when new, it's slightly reduced at this point with 5,000-10,000 hours of use). I need fewer watts than a 2.5umol/J light in 1:1 inversely proportional way to difference in efficacy. The "2.5umol/J" light would need 112% more watts to produce the same umol/s of PAR. They need ~730w vs my 650w to do the same thing, and the 730 will produce more heat - which may be good or bad but is a product of the extra waste/inefficiency of photon production. With HPS bulbs you'd need about 161% more watts to produce same umol/s of PAR, or a bit over 1000w. Wildly different wattage needed based on efficacy. Good luck on your hunt for quality genetics. Price of the seed usually has very little to do with it.
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Ninjabudsanswered grow question a day ago
Hey there honestly the number 1 thing that will increase your yeild and quality will be lighting. Shoot for 800 to 1000w led light per 4ftx4ft ti 5ftx5ft area of grow space I have a 2x4 grow tent and I have a 500w medicgrow mini sun 2 in it and sometimes I even put a 100w spider farmer as under canopy lighting For me 500w led light in a 2x4 grow space works perfect Your area seems like it need 2 to 4 1000w led light fixtures depending on how big that room
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