They will be fine.
Make sure not to overwater during this stage, I don't fully saturate the pot yet.
I water in a circle motion from the inside out to train the roots to search for water.
Once they have a root system and have grown a bit, then start fully saturating.
Just take it easy on the light.
The recommendations in light manuals are usually way to much.
You don't need much light in veg, save the power for flower.
Seedling stage - light at 36" and 25 power
Veg stage - light at 30" and 30%-40% power. When they grow to 24" then move it back up to 30"
Flower - keep at veg settings until after the flower stretch then start increasing every week by 10%-20%.
Run the light the hardest during the middle of flower and start lowering intensity toward the end of flower.