m0useanswered grow question 20 days ago spider mites, their webs look extra thick though, wonder if its catching some fine dust.
If its on one plant it is likely on the others. You will want to look into bud washing for end of harvest. By the time you see webs at this level it's a infestation.
The spotted patches on the leaves are also another giveaway. white freckles. They will be in the webs and or on the underside of leaves. Lots of egg shells as well I bet, use a magnifying glass and you should see them if your eyes are not 20/20.
You can also go onto google and type in "two dot spider mite cannabis" and it will pull up a lot of reference points in its image search.
Very hard to kill without using pyrethrum or something like it, and you don't want to spray in flower :(
Some products say they are ok to spray in flower but I don't fully believe them. I have used a Isopropyl Alcohol wash before with some success "not cannabis plant", however that will hurt your plants and dissolve away any active trichomes. also it stinks and you need a vent hood or to do it outdoors.
Next grow try and get some IPM "integrated pest management" like pesticide sprays in veg, or predator bugs that roam your plants and eat the mites.