You asked this question not to long ago??
the official rules are here,
1 confirm account via email
2 start actively answering Grow Questions
3 at least one of your answers must be picked as a solution to a "Grow Questions" by its inquirer
4 user registration was at least 3 months ago
5 must have at least 1 public diary with completed harvest
6 can win once in 3 months
side notes.
prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
THREE winners
1, you confirm your account when you sing up for GD.
2. answering grow questions like this one you asked, however one side note, the question has to be linked to a diary.... you can tell if its linked to a diary by the tags in the question. They will say (open) (weekx) (topping) (growlights), they tags are custom inputs, however the one that says week "x" x being any numbers means its linked to a diary and clicking on that tag/bubble will bring you to their diary.
3. if the person who asked the questions picks your answer you get a point... they do this by viewing their question and selecting the one they like the best.
4. account must be older then 3 months.
5. account must have one full diary with harvest to compete. "This rules is a bit broken, other users who have hidden diaries can still join even if they are visible, seen it last month"
6. can only win every so often. if you win in Jan, then you can not win for 3 months. FEB, MAR, APR are all locked out. you can answer questions but you will not gain points. Next month you can play would be May.
Side notes, some hostes are cunts, and don't ship the prizes. walpini seeds is one of them, same with Garden of green and art genetix. they all failed ot send out the prize to users and blamed things that should have been within their control. their are always cheats and weird shit happening. If you have questions ask on the main GOTM contest page. it gets a new one every month.
this is it for Jan, Feb will be populated once Feb starts. can view old contest months by changing the URL month and year. it goes back to early 2020 I think.