m0useanswered grow question a month ago THRIPS! 1000%
Kill em with a spray. I have read BTi kills thrips when their larva ingest the spores in the soil and when the adults Pearce the leaves surface with it coated on them. Or just spray em down with a generalized insecticidal soap. BTi is very safe and has been used for a long time with no issues.
I would do this ASAP before they get into full flower, I would also treat the top later of soil with some of the pesticide till kill off any of the fuckers lingering in their. You could use soap and water as well and then rinse the plant off outside, but they may return.
The other option is predator bugs who come in and eat the thrips, this is a good option for IPM or integrated pest management, IPM is pest control you implement before seeing any pests as you know they are common and likely to show up. using BTi preventively is a form of IPM. You can not use pesticides when using beneficial predators as it kills them too and the pests likely have more resistance to the compounds used then the predators. Also using yellow/blue sticky traps are great monitoring tools but not solutions.