Not really an issue, you have slightly yellow tips.
Anytime someone says "ph is around" just instantly tells me you haven't checked.
Ratio of calcium to magnesium to k cations in medium greatly effect soil composition and efficiency which plant can grow.
Looking back at your diary I see plants heavily laden with water, leaves sagging, wrinkling. Looks like you defoliated to get rid of the problems.
You keep a fairly high rh at 65, when your lights go out the 10-15 f drop in temps will take that to 75+% almost instantly. This prevents most cellular respiration from occurring overnight as stomata will close due to stress of such a wet environment thay does not support evaporation.
Transpiration is the flow of water from uptake in rootzones to out of the leaf stomata. Water is solvent used to transport minerals and cool. If transpiration is limited to 20% efficiency, whole plant is bottlenecked at that 20%.
Cannabis is a manufacturing line. It's dependant on work done on other shifts. Those bloody lazy bloody nightshift workers never do any work!