you can either top her at the top or 2nd to top node or youcan bend her over around the 3rd node or about half way in the middle. you want to aim for an "L" shape but on its side.
i would take a tie and toe the base/ trunk of the tree to keep it sturdy and in place and then take the top and try to tie it down sideways to the trunk as an anchor for now. youll want to gradually move the tie up to continue growing it outwards in the same fashion as the plant grows outwards.
both of these methods will cause the lower growth to grow up to try and be a main now.
its important to plan ahead and to visualize what you want you want your plant to do and to anticipate what will need to be done.
plant training is one of my favorite parts of growing.
bend her over and treat the rest of her as a grid and fill in the gaps.
anyother question, feel free to message me