The true meaning of "over-watering" is watering too frequently. A grower can both water too frequently and not provide the plant with enough water at the same time. It's actually a common mistake for a newer grower. Always water until run-off and then allow dry-back so the container is light before watering again.
The leaf damage looks 100% like a watering issue. Part of that watering issue is the plant has outgrown its container. It's certainly time to transplant! Don't try to transplant while the soil is so dry. Prepare the medium in your new container and get it wet enough so that when you squeeze a handful of the medium, you see a couple of drops of water drip out between your fingers. This is called "field capacity" and its the right amount of moisture for a new transplant to be transplanted in. Water your plant in its current container, then pop it out and place it into the new container. Fill in around it with some pre-dampened soil and then a real gentle watering to make sure the soil in the planter comes together with the soil from the transplant.
Never use cal-mag on a plant that young unless the plant is showing a calcium deficiency. It's highly unlikely since calcium needs at this stage of growth are very low. So no, cal-mag is not the magic band-aide.