There is really no point to this before you grow out a cut, even growing methods or seasons or nutrient lines can dramatically impact the resulting terpene results. Or, you mention THCA mass percent - this is going to be an amalgamation of when you cut relative to full maturity, the temperature averages during the daytime, the cultivar, and more. Anything on the package is either a statistical guess for your bean or an average, something I never look at. You can go to a dipo and buy brand X's strain Y in season Z. That terp report is gonna be different the next crop. That terp report is gonna be wildly different on the opposite season. For example, when I grab any ice cream cake...I know that it is not the ice cream cake I want if my or cy are above the L terps - it isn't gonna taste like what I want.
Basically you are creating a rather unique crop every time you grow unless you are consistent with every touch you have on the plant, have full control of your environment, and are growing cuts of the exact same plant.
There are devices available for homegrowers for testing but they're going to be using many heuristic tricks to get you a number. The commercial machines for testing (especially those with robust terpene testing as well) can get ridiculously expensive (,000s).
If you are interested in some napkin math for terpene content or cannabinoid content, there are some basic chemistry experiments you can do to get relatively close to these numbers (like +/-10% error). I won't be giving away sauce on this response, you can DM me if you are interested. These answer sections are bloodbaths of nonsense half the time and the only reward system for the questions does not function properly...