The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Checking Profiles and Levels

ChefDstarted grow question 5 days ago
Here is a quick one: How would one find out the terrapin profile and THCA levels are in a personal grow or is that one of the trust the breeders reports? TIA Happy growing!
Week 2
STRNGSeedsanswered grow question 4 days ago
Hey ChefD, the community has already provided some great answers - ATLien415 hit it right on the head! Each grow is going to be fairly unique due to different conditions and genetic variability. Like greenAF stated, look/taste/smell/effect are the important features to pay attention to.
ATLien415answered grow question 5 days ago
There is really no point to this before you grow out a cut, even growing methods or seasons or nutrient lines can dramatically impact the resulting terpene results. Or, you mention THCA mass percent - this is going to be an amalgamation of when you cut relative to full maturity, the temperature averages during the daytime, the cultivar, and more. Anything on the package is either a statistical guess for your bean or an average, something I never look at. You can go to a dipo and buy brand X's strain Y in season Z. That terp report is gonna be different the next crop. That terp report is gonna be wildly different on the opposite season. For example, when I grab any ice cream cake...I know that it is not the ice cream cake I want if my or cy are above the L terps - it isn't gonna taste like what I want. Basically you are creating a rather unique crop every time you grow unless you are consistent with every touch you have on the plant, have full control of your environment, and are growing cuts of the exact same plant. There are devices available for homegrowers for testing but they're going to be using many heuristic tricks to get you a number. The commercial machines for testing (especially those with robust terpene testing as well) can get ridiculously expensive (,000s). If you are interested in some napkin math for terpene content or cannabinoid content, there are some basic chemistry experiments you can do to get relatively close to these numbers (like +/-10% error). I won't be giving away sauce on this response, you can DM me if you are interested. These answer sections are bloodbaths of nonsense half the time and the only reward system for the questions does not function properly...
All_our_small_plantsanswered grow question 5 days ago
Hi es gibt verschiedene Methoden, um den THC-Gehalt von Cannabis zu bestimmen: Laboranalyse: Die präziseste Methode ist die Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC), die in spezialisierten Laboren durchgeführt wird. Diese Methode liefert genaue Ergebnisse, ist jedoch kostenintensiv. Ist wahrscheinlich die günstigste variante Heimtests: Es gibt Testkits wie das Alpha-Cat Cannabinoid-Test Mini-Kit und den EZ Test THC, die für den Heimgebrauch geeignet sind. Diese Kits bieten eine grobe Einschätzung des THC-Gehalts und sind praktisch für Hobby-Grower. Kosten kann 70 Euro. NIR-Spektrometer: Diese Geräte nutzen Nahinfrarotspektroskopie, um den THC-Gehalt zu messen. Sie sind ebenfalls für den Heimgebrauch geeignet, aber die Genauigkeit kann variieren ist sehr teuer das Gerät zu kaufen.
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Ninjabudsanswered grow question 5 days ago
Trial and error. Take clones of your plants b4 they flower and if you have a winner you will not of lost it. Even tested seeds usually have 2 main pheno family’s say you plant 100 plants from the same tested seeds 40 of them will look similar 40 more will look similar and 10 will probably be something spec
m0useanswered grow question 5 days ago
If the breeder tested the seeds they send out to you, and did a big batch of them and averaged out the results. then you could trust them and know its around there. Would be great if they told you the highs and lows as well so you know it could be within this range. Sadly most breeders don't do this and have shit practices when selling seeds. So clones are more reliable or lab testing it yourself like GreenAF stated. Good Luck!
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DaddyPrime2answered grow question 5 days ago
the only place ive seen that before you buy is from clone places. Specifically kaprikorn nursery in oregon. they give you an exceptional full report if terpenes and cannabanoid percentages. but seed companys, it varies so much that its hard to even accurately put that down. i actually believe fastbuds has started to list that and on seedsman you can search based on different keywords or terpenes, %s etc etc.
greenAFanswered grow question 5 days ago
Lab testing. If your just looking for just thc they make testers that are accurate enough if used properly, but if you're looking for a complete analysis, strictly lab work. Screw the % I think people should forget about the #'s And just worry about look, touch taste smell and effect. The only measurements that count are the ones we were born with.