3 years ago
Rodamis_Primecommented3 years ago
Sorry I didn't answer your flushing comment . There's so many different times to flush depending on how you want your weed to affect you . Do you want the highest thc then you want to start flushing your plants for 1.5 to 2 weeks before harvest and you would need to start almost now but if that strain is a 8 week finisher and your 4 weeks in on flower then I would wait cause you still have 2 to 3 weeks of growing to do and will lose out in yield now . Typically all the newer growth at the top of bud is going to be clear so I would start checking the bud for trichome colors an inch down and see where those are at . Amber trichomes on the leaves are fine we trim those off in the end it's the trichomes on the bud that is the important ones to watch . More amber on the buds will give you the couch lock kind of high . Every strain acts differently so maybe do a bit of reading up on what you have . Don't forget though that even if your strain says its an 8 week finisher that plant may need 9 or 10 weeks . I have multiple flower tents now and I run single strains in each because of this .
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