
PHing Advanced Nutrients

GruenerRitterstarted grow question 4 months ago
Hello Community! Should I PH Advanced Nutrients PH-Perfect Line in soil, and if so, what should I use? Is the PH of 5.5 too low? Will the soil buffer it, or will the Soil-PH be destroyed without PHing?
Feeding. Chemical composition
001100010010011110answered grow question 4 months ago
ph-buffered fertilizer just makes it moer difficult for pH drift to occur, but not impossible. pH simply a ratio of hydroniom to hydoroxide in the solution that occurs. 5.5 is too low in my opinion. it can be fine but probably need to amp up Ca and maybe some other things due to a lower pH restricting availability of Ca (first before other things). my nutes ph balance to 6.0. this gives some leeway on each side of the target. you wannt 'maximize' output by some small fraction of a percet, make 5.5-5.8 work, lol. it's not worth the effort. People that think they need massive amounts of Ca are probably running a low pH too and misconstuing cause and effect. or, they consistently get ca symptoms and 'can't seem to fix it' lol. very likely pH related if providing 100+ ppm of Ca in a soiless/hydro context. oh and if you are i soil.. 6-6.5 is a better target, and yes, the soil can help with ph-drift or it might cause ph drift.. no guarantees there. the wrong microbes flourish and pH will go where they dictate.
Leromeanswered grow question 4 months ago
Wenn du organisch düngst und mit Mikroorganismen und Pilzen arbeitest ist es nicht notwendig den p-H- Wert zu regulieren, es reicht dann gefiltertes/"weiches" Wasser zu gießen (Regenwasser, destilliertes Wasser, RO-Wasser oder gefiltertes Leitungswasser) Wenn du mineralisch düngst sollte dein p-H Wert zwischen 5 und 6 liegen, aber da können dir andere bestimmt genauere Angaben geben. Ich mache ausschließlich organisch und ändere meinen p-H-Wert nicht, ich benutze Regenwasser und einen selbstgebauten Biofilter.
Leromeanswered grow question 4 months ago
Das kommt ganz darauf an, was für ein Substrat benutzt du und wie düngst du ?
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