MadeInGermany, I remember reading a post you made about how to know when to harvest. I've not been able to find it. I have a grow flowering and I'd like to harvest at the best time. You mentioned putting under a microscope, any chance for a reprint of your harvesting thoughts? (I have a microscope).
Hey, I'm really sorry, I've only seen the comment now 😳. If it still helps:. I usually harvest Sativa strains when about 90% of the trichomes are milky and 10% amber. Pure indica at 60% milky 40% amber. And hybrids most at 70-80% milky and 20-30% amber. I hope I could still help you 🙏🏻 all the best
Hello! The manufacturer of Powder Feeding fertilizers does not recommend adding additional CalMag to coco with their line. I read this on their official website. I see that you use additional CalMag (up to 200 ppm) and additionally add Calcium? Is this correct? I have a problem understanding whether to add additional CalMag or not, if my tap water is soft (50 ppm) and I use Calcium together with Grow. Do you have excess Magnesium?
Wooow.. absolut Mindblowing deine Diaries!! Dein Titel "Großmeister" ist absolut recht am Platz. Ich lasse dir mal ein Follow da, nachdem ich ne halbe Stunde im Rabbithole deiner Diaries versunken bin 😂.... Geile Strains, grüner Daumen und on top noch professionell in Szene gesetzt. Absolutes Vorbild hier und dann noch aus DE, Hut ab mann... LG Phelice
Hey, hast du zufällig ne anonyme Postadresse? Deine seeds sehen nice aus, würde paar ausprobieren, wenn du sharest. Hab unzählige fastbuds, sensiseeds, zamnesias. LG👌
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