The light works fine. However, it obviously is too small for a 2ft x 2ft grow area. But for the fact that the plants really suffered in the beginning and were stuck really small the light put out great results. Really really really good value for money. Not the most efficient at ~1.52umol/W for my space but pulling 100W from the wall, I can accept this little loss :D
Great light, would recommend. Best suited for 1.5x1.5 !
I might want to add that this was a 2 strain grow with one diary for a plant each. Total dry weight produced by 2 plants (28cm tall and 25cm tall) was 26.53g.
So this light for me with suffering plants that werent growing to their full potential, size-wise, produced 0.26 g/watt which I can definitely call acceptable. Wanted 0.5 but as soon as I realized the plants were really going to be very very small I wanted 0.2g/W which I managed :)