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Finishing time and fungus gnats

Medicannastarted grow question 5 years ago
How much more time would you give my plants? I'm thinking 2 more weeks. I have a serious problem with fungus gnats right now, they just came back from one day to another and I don't have any countermeasures for the last weeks. Cheers (:
Week 13
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey friend definitely 1-2 weeks at most. You look really close to finish. For the fungus gnats, it won't matter much for this plant, but if you have others around then that's a problem. They'll just keep coming back if you don't get it handled. Are you in the u.s? If so please go get something called mosquito bites, at a garden store or home depot type place. Sprinkle all over top of the soil, then smash a bunch and put into a gallon of water, let sit for a day and then water any affected pots. Let them do a full dry cycle...like almost drooping plant dry. And hopefully that'll kill the larvae in the soil. As for the flying ones if you could pick up a bottle of Dr Bonner's castile soap and make a squirt bottle with 3/4 water 1/4 soap its a very effective but non damaging bug killer. Those are the methods i had the best luck with. Jorge cervantez also does a thing called a bud wash using a tub of water with hydrogen peroxide in it and dunks the buds before drying, its handy for washing away PM and some bugs. Good luck and happy trimming. ✌️
Selected By The Grower
Thewendigoanswered grow question 5 years ago
D.E. Like everyone said and try those yellow sticky traps and let your plants dry out a little. If it was earlier in the grow I’d say neem oil works great.
Inhomerhizomeanswered grow question 5 years ago
Second vote for D.E. two weeks to go prob ur best bet if you feel the need to do something. If they are ther tho, not much is gonna help unfortunately the larvae are in the soil already so the damage from this life cycle is already happening! De might help a bit but if u use it from the start u will never see a gnat...... preventions better than a cure lol!
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Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Привет, брат! 👋 Производитель твоих семян заявляет о 9 недельном цветении растения, для того чтоб называть его спелым! 👆 Я посмотрел твой дневник и ты не совсем верно ведешь отсчёт недель цветения! Цветение у тебя началось на 7 неделе роста (а не на 6, как у тебя в дневнике)! У тебя сейчас уже идёт 8 неделя цветения! Считаем 9-8=1 . 1 неделя тебе осталась до снятия урожая! Это значит что ещё эту неделю ты кормишь удобрениями и 15 неделя роста у тебя будет неделей Flush! Ты промывать её будешь всю 15 неделю и в конце снимешь урожай! Она будет вполне спелой девочкой! Она и так уже красавица, а станет бриллиантовой! 👌 Удачи, друг! ✊😇
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Magic43562answered grow question 5 years ago
Maybe lay some diatomaceous earth over your soil. Slice them little bitches up. That’s what I have on all my soil plants.
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
You can take a vacuum rough up the soil with your fingers little buggers will come out and fly, suck the mass of them up, put in some sticky traps. To get the rest. Cheers
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