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Global pos.
Growing, years
P 8%
Barney's Farm
Breeder preferred:
50% Barney's Farm
50% Zamnesia Seeds
Prima Klima
Air Filters preferred:
100% Prima Klima
Light preferred:
75% SANlight
25% ChilLED Tech
Grow Tent preferred:
100% RoyalRoom
Big Plant Science
Nutrient preferred:
58% Big Plant Science

@SirBudAlotts, But, it is riddled with mistakes?!? PPFD is falsely definied. it is not simply a single point measurement of PAR. it is umol/s of PAR per meter squared. Huge difference and you cannot apply the concept properly without understanding that. LED do not last 100,000 hours. At best you'll get 50-60k if you keep the diode running at 25 C and not overpowered, which many lights do. 100k hours even in optimal operating conditions will be 50% of original brightness.. this is the measurement used for TVs ("L50") and we want to use "L90" - which means the hours given is the point at which it is 90% of original intensity. Autoflowers do not need any specific hours of light. More is not "optimal" as they state here. 20 hours is not better than 18hours or 12 hours. To say so is profoundly misinformed. It is about the moles of photons within the wavelength range of PAR that matters. The rate at which it is applied varies, therefore how many hours any 1 garden needs can vary based on equipment used. This is using incomplete information to come to the conclusion that 20 hours is best for autoflowers.. it's ignoring half the picture and shows they have no real understanding of the cause and effect here. Necesary ppfd to reach a targered DLI depends on hours of operation. This not unlike an old problem solving question in math asking oyu how far a train travels if rolling at 50mph... you cannot asnwer the question unless you know how long it has been running at that speed... speed is a rate. umol/s of photons is a rate. without hours of operation, you cannot possibly make any rational statement about what is best for the plant. you will need to give the same number of photons per plant per day as a photoperiod plant. If ppfd is lower,it simply means you ran yourlights longer. this does not save or cost more electricity, ignoring small deviations in efficacy that might result from each context. So the only benefit to adjusting hours of operation for autoflower longer than 12 hours would be to combat heat.. it will not save watts; it will not grow better pot. The only relevant cause and effect here is heat and possibly the cost of electricity. off-peak cost is cheaper, so there's a reason to operate under a 12/12 over an 18/6 or 20/4. If all three provide the same DLI it will have the same outcome with yield and growth rates of the plant. 45 DLI will certainly cause problems with anyone operating with ambient CO2.. yet another horrible suggestion caused by a total lack of understanding. LOL DLI does not have to reduce due to hours of a photoperiod plant in flower phase unless you have an underpowered light and didn't understand how to match equipment to what you intend to do. Again, fundadmental lack of udnerstanding.. and they've had years to figure it out at this point. .this isn't the first time they've butchered the explanation or shown they have no clue what they are talking about. again, they don't understand this is simply a rate x hours of operation. If you apply the same number of photons over 12 hours as you would over 18 to reach "35-40" DLI, a much better target that won't burn the shit out of your plants, it results in the same growth and yield. Even 40 DLI is likely too high for ambient CO2, but only slightly. 45 DLI will probably need to be run at 75-80% of that power / hours of operation combo to avoid damaging plants. 55 DLI is absolutely retarded to suggest.. unles you have yoru VPD in proper range and 1200-1300 ppm of CO2. Ambient is 300-600ppm. giving suggested umol/s of PAr at various stages without saying how many hours of operation is yet another of the same mistake caused by a lack of understanding the material. again.. a rate with our time is useless... doesn't quantify anything... DLI is the key here.. not ppfd or par.. although you need to udnerstand those to properly use DLI. This article is total ass. again... Autoflowers are just plants.. that's it.. they arent' special. they just aren't photoperiods. they need the same levesl of light and nutrients as marijuana plants. the deviations people feel occur are misattributed at best by people that don't know what the fuck they are talking about, lol. Go take a fucking plant biology class, for fuck's sake.