Chem91istrycommented4 years ago
I know I had a grow going ,but I had some problems. My nephew went to take a nap in the room with plants and he accientally hit the light timer schedule. I think I overwatered a little to much but not that bad cause 3 plants looked great. So I dont like to post a grow with my screwing up. Its imbarssing. I plan to start over in about 3 weeks. I plant to run 3 GMOs and 3 Sister Skunk (dominon seeds) and 3 Georgia Pies by Raw Genetics. I might add couple extras. Lets try this again with out my goof ups. Im not letting my nephew in my room again. He had the lights going in flower from 8pm to 12pm than it cut back on for 4 1/2 hrs than it went dark again from 430 to 8 for about a week. So Im salvage what I can and start over. So look for a new jornal in about 3 weeks.