

Hey friend would it be alright for me to offer some pointers for next round ? Just quickly looking at your later weeks of flower your temp gap between lights on and lights off is still nice and tight. This is generally a good thing in veg and early flower. We want that gap tight between lights on and lights off if we expose the plants to temp swings of more than 10 degrees less while the plants are still growing vertically we will make them stretch a lot. But once your plants have finished their vertical growth by weeks 4 to 6 of flower autoflowers you gotta watch for it by eye. But at this point we want to then open up that temp gap wider beyond more than 10 degrees less with lights off and a bit more each week. At this stage instead of stretching it will send a signal to the plants to put extra energy into the budding process and resin production. Also through a lot of experience, c02 or not buds grown at temps all the way through flower over 80 will be big, but very airy and prone to fox tail. If our rooms are too cold our buds will be very dense and caked but we lose a lot of size. The best of both worlds seems to be around 77 lights on after weeks 2 to 4 of flower and widening your temp gap as they progress. If you do not have them already get yourself a thermal laser temp gun like the fluke 62 max and a PAR meter. These items will help you read your plants better and grow to their needs. Also study VPD vapor pressure deficit and how it relates to growing cannabis. I hope this helps friend if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask im always around. Check out my 200 light 7,000 plant diary and follow my profile. Happy growing!