The two indoor strains were relatively easy to grow,and buds were quality as far as trichome, resin, and terpene production.
The smoke is interesting, gives you a wave of comfort and a bit of euphoria, definitely numbs the mind a bit, not an active high. Just as well, it contains the rare THC derivative THC-V which is known to suppress appetite instead of add to it. This can be a pro or a con depending on how you look at it, most people expect the *munchies* after smoking some high grade herb, while this strain delivers the exact opposite, to where you don't feel like eating at all.
Cotton mouth also sets in quick with the Glueberry, also a bit of a con, but she provided plenty for me, and I appreciate it very much.
**Edibles Update** -- Made a batch of cannabutter and snickerdoodles with 1/4 cup of the butter to test strength. Ate 5 snickeroodles (smaller) cookies and waited. After about an hour or so (the time it took to digest) a nice wave of euphoria and comfort set in along with that telltale cottonmouth from the strain. Lasted a few hours, decent.