

Growing, years

Wow now I live in Canada. But lets break that down, The person who you steal their likeness from is an adult entertainer called Marley Negron, They where born in the USA "San Juan - Puerto Rico" according to their Facebook page, and self reported to be living in Tampa Florida USA on their X formally twitter account. Could this be a ruse, maybe, but doubt it. As one of the collaborations they did with another adult entertainer who self identity's themselves from Texas USA, So unless all the entertainers are just faking USA locations to protect themselves I think its safe to say they are from USA and not faking their address. This point comes into play a bit later. 2nd, Anyone can use the images you use and find with a reverse image search that is not of you, and the sources of the images point again towards this Marley Negron person. but you seem to have made a name for yourself with them despite that being a false narrative. This is your stolen avatar photo sourced off of X Https:// This is the source image from your Sour Jealousy Inground diary, again off of X So why would anyone who does not live in Europe "top point about USA location" request prizes money to be sent to them in euros like yourself. You have done this in the previous contest of the same name in 2023 "see link below", The USD is rated higher and more stable then the Eruo so does not add up why an American citizen "Marley Negron" that you claim to be want Euros if they are lesser then the all mighty USD. Not a lot of things are adding up. " " Pic of you requesting euros. So yea. you keep posting "your own images" all you want. We all know you are a fake, But leave me and my micro penis out of your filthy mouth street walker. Ps. love your little fuck buddy coming on to also comment on my micro lol. did you ask them to help you out, life must be tough. Poor little micro penis guy!