Well What can i say. Very Straight forward growing no problems really with any aspects the the grow stages.
Germinated really well all at the same time and speed.
After Potting the little seeds it took no longer then a week to see first 2 set of leafs. When put under the lights it just never stopped growing.
During the the flowering stage The height of them did stop i didn't take any measurements of the plants so really cant tell you what the heights are. After the first week into flowering you see the start of the buds forming little white snow flakes. By about the 4-5 week was just a see of white. Buy the end the the flowering we did have a bit of problem with some full greens leafs falling for about a week then kinda stopped was a a bit weird. Still cant work it out to this day why er had so many green leafs falling off.
Harvest Was pretty easy. Dried in around 10 days using the snap test to see if dry.
It has the kind of sugar-sweet citrus fragrance that’s just too decadent to resist
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7 years ago