What a wonderul strain! Unfortunately it never really gained bud size/width×height to the buds which ive never seen a plant do. I believe my setup is very capable of growing plants properly so i believe this may be strain specific and i am incredibly excited to try to grow it again to see what results i gain! Now it may have yielded lighter but who cares!? This stuff is the real deal you guys! This works incredibly well on extremely severe migraines, coming from a patient of mine that has bed strickening 0% percent light no movement type of headaches! I personal notice extreme sedation(the highest ive felt through cannabis) and a very euphoric high it brings me back to when i first started smoking on how high i get from it (daily smoker)! Im not allowing any usage from patients if they plan to drive so this is seriously for those with some pretty bad ailments or a night time toke! Flavor is truly different then ive ever had and incredibly hard to put a touch on, from my best guess id say grape with an herbal diesel aftertone however no sweetness to the grape very unique!