First and foremost, a huge thank you to everyone who had followed these entries the past few months offering wisdom and insight. As a result this second harvest was such an overall improvement in just about every aspect that there's way too much for me to cover here in just a few short paragraphs so lets get right to it 😁
As you can see she experienced N toxicity midway through flower and a Cal deficiency in the final few weeks but i honestly dont think it was able to slow her down much. No extensive stress training aside from a few small ties on larger braches to stay supported post stretch.
Nearly 3 ounces of some of the most sugar coated buds I've laid eyes on in a few years. My initial trim could use some refinement I 'll admit, mostly attributed to the fact that the trichomes became like a blanket of crystals on the leaves closest to the buds that it felt like a sin to trim so much of it away.
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5 years ago