

Also i calculated your npk and I came out with 240mg/L Nitrogen, 162mg/L phosphorous and 456mg/L potassium wich is huuuge!! You might have had simptoms of potassium excess wich Blocks the absorption of other elements such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. The ideal amount recomendet for Hydroponics is 194mg/L N, 59mg/L P and only 175-200mg/L K in flower. (You can google alot of diferrent studies showing this is ideal) The most amount of K comes from the 4ml Canna Aqua Vega wich i‘m going to assume weights about 1kg (part A and B). Ur using 4ml of 8% of the potassiumconcentracion wich is 80 grams times 0,004 (4ml of the 1000ml). thats 0,360 grams or 360mg potassium. I would recomend to use only half of the pk solution and to get rid of the Canna Aqua Vega and get a second source of Nitrogen. Because its a ratio of 240mg N + 80 mg P + 360 mg K in your solution. Adding the PK and Rhizotonic, which also has NPK (minimal but still there) it‘s just a little to much K. Cannazym has pk too, wich I didn‘t even see. The second option would be to use about 3ml/L Vega aqua and not use any PK. This would bring down your K to about 252mg/L K with the Rhizotonic. If your going to use Aqua Flores you are going to have an npk of 4-4-11 wich further lowers your nitrogen and hightens your potassium. Contrary to popular believe, cannabis needs more nitrogen during the stretching phase in flower than people assume. So to keep up with nitrogen you would have to feed alot more potassium than is good. If you cut nitrogen down too much you will have problems with the metabolism so it’s best to keep it above 160mg/L N. That would mean you would have to use again 4 ml (40g of N in solution *4ml =160mg) wich would also contain 440 mg of potassium! I would get a nitrogen fertelizer and cut down on potassium as much as possible. I‘m a little Math nerd so i though it might help. 🙏🙏 Sorry hätts auch auf deutsch schreiben können 🤣