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Growing, years
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, Bery useful mate. It is even good for you to have a bath with it for your joints but for plants it is important and makes the vibrant green color. Magnesium sulfate makes them nice green bushy and helps flower blooming. Give it a go.
Interesting to see you using Epsom salt for fertilisation. I recently bought a bucket of that stuff to make anhydrous magnesium sulphate for drying mushrooms. Now I have an idea what to do with the remainder. :+1:
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, que maravilla :D, acabo de mandar la solicitud a Zamnesia, a ver si tengo suerte y me mandan un kit para poder participar en Zamnesia Spring Cup, soy cliente suyo desde hace años y estoy encantado con ellos. En cuanto a los hongos los he consumido de varias maneras, cuando empecé las masticaba simplemente ya que tampoco conocia muy bien el tema, hasta que empecé a investigar y aprender un poco mas sobre esta sustancia, mas tarde empecé con infusiones de las mismas y desde mi punto de vista tienen su parte buena y su parte mala. La buena es que las nauseas que puedes tener al consumir las trufas o setas, directamente no aparecen ya que evitas comer el alimento en sí y unicamente extraes la psilocibina, la parte mala es que si el hongo se inclina mas por la psilocina, al extraer la sustancia con cierta temperatura pierde parte de las propiedades y la potencia es mas baja. La psilocina es mas sensible a la temperatura que la psilocibina que aguanta bastante mejor sin perder potencia. Por otra parte ahora mismo estoy cultivando un kit se setas McKennai, un kit de trufas con 3 variedades (mexicanas, tampanensis y galindoi), y tanbien estoy criando un pequeño peyote. A parte tengo un par de raciones en la nevera de trufas Fantasia, y el material necesario para realizar Ayahuasca (esta aun no la he probado nunca, y estoy mirando para ver como realizar la "pocima" de la mejor manera posible) Y por ultimo tengo 10 semillas de hawaiian babywoodrose y 10g de Morning Glory para extraer el LSA. nota importante: si algun dia quieres probar alguna de estas dos semillas que contienen LSA no te recomiendo masticarlas y comerlas ya que yo lo hice así la primera vez y el dolor del estomago es tanto que en vez de disfrutar el viaje, sufres bastante. Lo mejor es hacer una extracción de ellas como hiciste tu con las rudas sirias. jajajajja la verdad que me gustan bastantes todos los temas relacionados con psicodelicos y la mente humana. Un saludo.:wink:
, Nice to see some other growers here with a broad interest in entheogenic plants. :grinning: The mushrooms I'm growing currently are also of the mckennaii variety. I know about the temperature sensitivity, which is why I added the mushrooms to my omelette at the very end, baking them just for a few seconds to make them stick in the eggs. I experienced no nausea at all, while the effects came on gently but firmly. I am also growing peyote and huachuma (san pedro), but those babies will still take many years before they are ready for harvesting. Fortunately, I still have a decent amount of powdered dried huachuma. However, similar to mushrooms, they are not very enjoyable to ingest, or even easy to consume at the quantities required for full effects without possibly causing some nausea. So I think I will try to make an extraction using d-limonene on part of my cactus powder stockpile. Personally, I found brewing decent quality ayahuasca is more difficult than it might seem. The results of my first few efforts were of a relatively low potency, but in some cases did have relatively strong purgative effects. My poor brewing skills often made it difficult to accurately predict the potency of a particular brew based on the quantity of ingredients used, even while I was using top quality ingredients (which I had personally acquired in the Peruvian Amazon). Nowadays I prefer to start out using resin or an extract instead of the ayahuasca vine, which saves a lot of work and is effectively just about the same cost as starting from scratch. I have found that making ayahuasca analogs is typically a bit easier in this respect, and also cheaper, especially with jurema preta and syrian rue seeds. Although the effects are definitely not exactly the same as with the ayahuasca vine and chacruna / chaliponga leaves, for me they are much less likely to cause a heavy body load or any purgative effects. Extracting harmala alkalaoids is most fun under a UV light by the way, since they are fluorescent. :sunglasses: Wear gloves! I had an extract from BHWR seeds made by a third party a few months ago. I did not feel much, probably because the dose was too small (I do not remember the exact amount). That's the best way to stay safe of course, build up dosage slowly.
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, muy buenas! Es un placer poder leer esas palabras, ya no me siento el único jajajaja Veo que me llevas unos días de ventaja asique estaré muy pendiente de tus avances ya que ayudarán muchisimo :) Estoy mas metido en el tema de la psilocibina por si quieres cambiar información. La hierba siempre la he consumido pero nunca me puse a criarla hasta ahora ^^ Ante todo muchas gracias por escribirme y espero de igual manera que tengas un grow maravilloso ;) Estamos en contacto. Un saludo.
, there are at least a few more people growing Gorilla Glue Auto for Zamnesia's Spring Cup here, so you're definitely not alone! :facepunch: Hopefully we can learn a lot from each other all around. On the topic of psilocybin: I consumed some mushrooms just the other day; I am waiting now for my tolerance to reset back to base level. It was my first time experimenting with a combination of mushrooms and harmala alkaloids, or so-called 'psilohuasca', with very pleasing results. :grin: For this I ground up 5 gram of thoroughly dried mushrooms and seeds 3 gram of smashed syrian rue seeds in a coffee grinder, then mixed the resulting powder into an omelette (with some onion and garlic as well) at the very end, and ate the omelette on a sandwich. The taste was not very pleasant, but manageable enough. What is your favourite method of consumption for mushrooms?
Hola Julian! I am growing the same seed variety as you have. I'm growing it for the first time as well. Hope you have a very successful grow! :pray: