

@viotekusa, I don't like giving direct advice on either stock trading or growing Lady Jane; Inevitably it will be misinterpreted at some point, then nobody is happy. Instead I'll just tell someone what I do. Autos are really fast, and I don't want them to get ahead of my prep; to that end I start them in their permanent pot to spare them the stress of an early transplant. Depending on the strain that's usually a 2 or 3 gallon SmartPot. I place an inch or so of clean river stone in the bottom then use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil; it's sterilized and comes with an excellent quantity of natural nutrients. Using this soil I can routinely go through the vegetation stage and get to pre-flowering before I need to add any other nutes. This spares the plants the stress of too much fertilizer too soon. Regarding watering, when my kids are as young and tender as yours, I usually gently water them with 8 to 12 ounces whenever they need it. To encourage their roots I water in a circle around the plants, but not to within 2 inches of the stem so I don't risk damaging the plant. This makes the root system grow faster. I think it's fair to say that more plants are damaged by over or under watering then anything else in the first couple weeks. One piece of direct advice I will give is to suggest you to go the GrowWeedEasy website and avail yourself of their online tutorials. I don't agree with absolutely every recommendation they make, but overall their library is excellent as a source. Go grow! Take Care.