After Harvest they give off a sweet-creamy mandarine scent. Reminds me of fruit yoghurt.
Although I can't say much about growing difficulty, since I have no comparison. They survived a lot of beginner mistakes like over- and underwatering, overfeeding leading to cal lockout and too weak of a light in the beginning. Considering that, they turned out amazing, exceeding my expectations.
All 3 phenos turned out very differently though. Mostly due to my experimentation with different levels of defoliation.
Dry Weight was about 160g
1# yielded 50.3g
#2's yield is unknown, but estimated to be about 55g
#2 yielded 56g
I was not expecting a yield like that with my first grow.
#1 has turned out the best. With a creamy dessertlike smell to it.
#2 and #3 go the same direction, just less pronounced and complex.
/Taste and Smoke
Pleasant creamieness, smooth smoke
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3 months ago