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Update: Grow Questions

Hello Growers,

We are happy to announce our newly introduced 'Questions' tab in the side-menu! Most of you have already been using our Grow Questions feature. If you've never heard of it, check out this Journal and start using it RIGHT NOW! Not only can you win free grow swag every month, but also have the whole amazing GD community helping you with growing your beautiful plants.  

Use Search.

If you are looking for something more specific, this is going to be a great tool for you. The keyword search has been designed for you to find a more precise piece of information.

Check out the filters!

Now you can search the whole database by using the filters we've created. You can look for unanswered Questions to participate in 'Grower of the Month' or adjust your filters to find a certain problem.

Ask a Question without a Diary.

This is a new feature! Don't have a Diary yet? Simply ask a Question and attach a photo! The GD Family will help you out!

We hope you enjoy it and we are looking forward to reading your feedback in the comments! Please let us know if you catch any bugs or if you have any ideas on how to improve the new Questions feature!

Happy Growing!

GD Team


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Rusticbudscommented5 years ago
First off just want to say I love this site and am so glad I found it🙏. I've learned a ton over the last 4 months I've been here...Loving the new updates! Keep em coming👍 being able to attach pictures to PM's would be an awesome feature🤔😀
Vincent11commented5 years ago
Great work Grow diaries. I love it so much easier to help the community and ask questions for help. And the specific questions is really cool. Everyone will have Accsees when looking for answers Great work and thanks GD
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommented5 years ago
This should be a very helpful update to the website! This site just keeps getting better and better!!!!
ClubRiotcommented5 years ago
Wachsemiliancommented5 years ago
A SHOUT OUT TO THE WHOLE GROWDIARIES TEAM !!!!!!!!!!! love u boiz and gals🙏😍
BigBadLioncommented5 years ago
Oh, this is a much needed update! Super helpful! Thanks! :D
ActioPaulianacommented5 years ago
Wow, great update! A big database of possible issues when growing, filled with user photo's and complete with all the relevant information like grow environment and nutrients used. I'll probably endup spending hours learning from others in that new section.
DjDaveAtHomecommented5 years ago
That would be a positive and useful function! Thanks for creating and maintaining such a bountiful, resourceful forum! It's always insightful and encouraging to see amazingly successful grows but how useful would it be to be able to view the never ending battles that plague us whether the battle be won or lost. So much to learn! 😊
Lionssharecommented5 years ago
Awesome update great work. Did something else change? The site seems very slow only when logged in it only loads 2 images per diary or the search diaries section only loads 2 lines the rest just stay blank grey. And scrolling is choppy keeps trying to go back up on its own. Very strange cause if you log out everything loads and runs smoothly. 🧐 Edit: I’m on an iPad I logged off reset cookies and restarted. The problem only occurs when the iPad screen is horizontal but when vertical the page and images load as normal strange.. Anyhow again nice addition guys found the help section pretty useful already. Thank you
Andris_Grower1commented5 years ago
Hello I am satisfied with the site
8bitdakotacommented5 years ago
@Growdiaries freaking awesome! You guys keep on getting better and better. Keep it coming!
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
Well done . that was a very needed tool!!
Shizzlemanizzlecommenteda year ago
Hey guys just starting my first grow with automatics and i love this site and learned a lot over the last few days ! Just have a few questions with watering interval and and fertilizer interval (I’ll use advanced nutritiens) m and which soil to use best maybe someone can spare a bit time and help me out
stinkercommenteda year ago
What do the status titles mean? Apprentice, Newbie, Etc. How are they achieved?
mameycommenteda year ago
hasat edilecek bitkiyi tekrar vejativ aşamaya nasıl aktarabilirim
mameycommenteda year ago
thc yükseltmek mümkün mü ? nasıl yapılacak
mameycommenteda year ago
alooo kimse yok mu
Chamed33commented2 years ago
Hi I’m new here and would like to know what’s best between organic soil and living organic soil
Wyregrassercommented3 years ago
Thinking...😎😀this is a real cool site!
Mattman3181commented5 years ago
Thx for the add. I'm running a DWC and my question is is it normal to be adding PH down every day as l like my PH to be 5.8 cheers thx 🇦🇺👍