
Best Companion Plants for Cannabis — Top 10 Plants You Can Grow Along With Cannabis

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Added 09 August 2022

What are the best companion plants for cannabis — this is a question experienced gardeners ask since they know plants sometimes grow well when paired with compatible plants. 

Growers look at a variety of new techniques and technologies to grow the best cannabis plants. Out of them, there’s one good ol’ technique that still works like a charm — companion plants.

Companion plants allow you to naturally improve the health of your cannabis plants (and even the soil). And they offer various other benefits like pest control, soil health improvement, boosted flavor and aroma, etc.

Learn all about the best companion plants for cannabis in this article.

What are Companion Plants?

best companion plants for cannabis

As the name suggests, companion plants are specific plants that you can grow alongside any plant — specifically cannabis in this context — in the garden. 

Companion planting works, thanks to evolution. Crops outdoors grow next to other naturally growing crops and develop symbiotic relationships. The aim of companion planting is to recreate symbiotic relationships by growing the right kind of plants next to cannabis.

Think of it like friends that help your cannabis plant grow healthier.

Companion planting is a crucial part of permaculture, which aims to produce a resilient ecosystem of plants, animals, and insects that help each other out, so you don’t have to worry so much about things like nutrients or pests. 

Of course, this doesn't mean that you plant companion plants and completely ignore your cannabis plant because it only helps to a certain extent. 

The idea of companion planting isn't new, though. It dates back to about ten thousand years ago when humans started to settle down and cultivate crops. During this age, the indigenous peoples of America domesticated squash, maize, and beans — forming the Three Sisters agricultural technique

Cornstalk was used as a trellis for the beans to grow, and beans helped maize with nitrogen. And the wide leaves of squash wide leaves offered shade, leaving the soil fertile and moist. 

Another example dates back at least a thousand years in China, where farmers grew mosquito ferns as companion plants for rice. These ferns fixed nitrogen for rice crops, helping them grow better. 

Today, companion planting is primarily used by farmers in various countries, especially in Asia. And the number of gardeners experimenting with this technique has also grown steadily in recent years. 

So, what's the secret of companion planting? You're probably wondering how companion planting benefits cannabis plants, right?

Benefits of Companion Planting for Cannabis

companion plants with cannabis

This technique has survived so many centuries thanks to its various benefits, which are as follows:

  • Companion Plants Attract Beneficial Insects

One of the best ways to deal with nasty pests in your cannabis garden is to bring in some beneficial insects that prey on the bad pests. Companion plants are a terrific way to bring them into your garden.

Spider mites, thrips, or aphids can quickly infest your garden and overwhelm your plant, and it doesn't take long for them to compromise your plant’s health. They can be difficult to deal with and potentially deadly for your plant.

Therefore, you can grow companion plants around cannabis that will invite predatory insects, acting as a form of natural pest control. Some of the best companion plants for pest control are fennel, yarrow, or marigold.

  • They Deter Pests

Not only do companion plants bring in predatory insects, but they also deter harmful pests from invading your cannabis. They do so by either distracting them or trapping them.

Some plants release scents and oils that many pests are sensitive to. Thus, adding these plants to the perimeter of your garden can drive away harmful pests. For example, coriander, mint, or marigold have an aroma that wards off insects like spider mites and aphids.

On the other hand, other plants like daisies trap the pests and keep them occupied, serving as a decoy. 

  • They Stop the Spread of Diseases

Companion plants can also keep your cannabis plants healthy by keeping them safe from various diseases. For example, some plants can help inhibit the spread of fungi when placed between cannabis plants thanks to their natural immunities against fungi or other diseases.

A good example of a plant that can stop diseases is chamomile; it has natural anti-fungal abilities, which help it stop the spread of spores from one plant to the other. So, by growing chamomile (or mustard) between your cannabis plants, you can keep the fungal infection contained. 

  • They Improve Soil Health

Companion plants can even restore the health of your soil, especially if you are growing cannabis in an organic way with no-till growing practices.

There are various kinds of companion plants in this case, each of which offers a unique benefit to the soil. For example, nitrogen fixers improve the nitrogen levels in the soil for other plants to consume. 

Other companion plants can also maintain soil health by preventing weeds from growing there between the seasons.

  • They Make Your Garden Eco-Friendly

In recent years, the use of artificial compounds has become more and more popular to improve the plant’s health. While there is nothing wrong with such compounds, some growers prefer to grow their plants completely naturally.

If you want to grow your plant naturally and in an organic, eco-friendly manner, you can use companion plants to sustain your garden. 

Companion plants bring all the benefits mentioned above without any potential risks that come with artificial supplements, making your garden more eco-friendly. Besides, you end up with a garden that is diverse and rich, and perhaps you can even benefit from other harvests, not just cannabis. 

  • They Improve the Flavor and Aroma of Cannabis

Some companion plants help your cannabis plant produce better aromatic oils, which help boost its flavor and aroma. This happens naturally and it does not taint the buds, either, so you end up with a richer yield.

  • They Help Keep Your Plant Discreet

Companion plants can help keep your cannabis discreet from others in two ways. One, some companion plants release a strong scent, which hides the classic skunky smell of cannabis. Two, some plants like sunflower grow big and help cover your cannabis plant from an eying neighbor or a helicopter. 

So, if you live in a region where cannabis is not yet legalized, companion plants can help you cover your cannabis. 

What are the Best Companion Plants for Cannabis?

So, what plants can grow with cannabis? While there are hundreds of plants you can grow with cannabis, not all of them will benefit the same way. Some may benefit a lot while others, not so much. To help you get your foot into the door, here are some of the best companion plants that make the best difference.

1. Lavender


Lavender plants grow gorgeous, aromatic flowers that will definitely add a distinct essence to your garden — the purple flowers are stunning to look at and add value to any landscaping. 

But that’s not why you want lavender as a companion plant. This shrub is an ideal companion plant because it is a terrific pest diversion, keeping your cannabis plants safe from them. And they also attract a lot of friendly pollinators.

Lavender grows best in a warm, Mediterranean climate, but it can even grow well in cooler regions. To grow lavender properly, begin by filling propagator cells with compost followed by sowing the seeds and covering them with vermiculite dusting.

Maintain a temperature of 21 to 25 degrees Celsius and they will sprout within a few weeks. After germination, you can transplant them into your garden. Remember to plant them in a location that gets enough sunlight and is at least 30 cm away from cannabis.

What’s more, you can harvest the flowers at the end of the season and dry them out. They make for a delicious lavender tea that has many health benefits

2. Sunflower


Another gorgeous flower that you can add to your garden is the sunflower — these towering giants grow around three meters in height and grow bright yellow flowers, which help protect your plants from pests like aphids, slugs, snails, and whiteflies. They act as a decoy for the pests.

Plus, the sunflower roots release an allelopathic compound that inhibits the growth of weeds, so it also benefits by keeping weeds away from your cannabis.

To grow sunflowers in your garden, sow the seeds directly into your garden bed. Sunflower plants are easy to grow and they thrive in soil with good drainage and in sunlit areas. But they also need some protection from harsh winds, otherwise, their branches may snap. 

Once the seedlings emerge, space them out to at least 60 cms; they will start flowering within three months post-germination. When the sunflowers bloom, you can either harvest them or let them be — they will attract a lot of birds that will prey on the harmful pests.

3. Cerastium


Also known as dusty miller, this plant grows like a mat, making it an ideal addition to your garden as it will keep the soil covered and the weeds away. This plant keeps your soil moist while protecting the microorganisms within from the harmful UV rays.

If you want to grow this plant, directly sow the seeds into the bed in the early weeks of spring, without covering it with soil. Ensure the soil has good drainage, too, and the location has adequate sun exposure — the best spots are west or south-facing ones. 

The seeds should germinate within three weeks, and after that, you should spread them out and keep them 20 cm from other plants. Within 40 days, the plant will mature and reach a height of 25 cm. 

Cerastium grows small flowers that are not wider than 2 cm, and they bloom in early summer with a light aroma. Once they flower, you can cut the plants back and use them as mulch or compost. 

4. Peppermint


One of the easier companion plants to grow with cannabis is peppermint — in fact, you might have to take measures to keep its growth under control. This is why we recommend growing peppermint in containers only.

This plant exudes a pungent scent, which we all are familiar with, but pests are not. The scent deters pests like aphids, fleas and ants, and even mice. Additionally, they will also help mask your cannabis’ odor, keeping it discreet. 

Plant peppermint in early spring and you can harvest the leaves throughout the growing season. They tend to germinate in a couple of weeks after sowing and bloom in late summer. Or, you can get cuttings since they are comparatively easier to grow than seeds. 

Once they flower, cut the plants back. They will keep rewarding you with delicious leaves that you can use to make peppermint tea season after season.

5. Marigold


Calendula officinalis, or marigold, is known for its beautiful orange flowers and scented leaves. But for your cannabis plant, this plant works to deter pests like aphids, diverting them away from your precious crop.

Their pungent scent also drives away other pests, like white cabbage flies and moths that like to munch on cannabis. These pests can’t tolerate the smell of marigold, so they steer clear of it. You can grow marigolds on the perimeter of your garden to keep the pests from reaching cannabis. In addition, they will thrive until the season turns really cold during winters. 

While marigolds can tolerate low-quality soil, you should still aim to grow in soil with good drainage. You can sow the seeds directly into the soil during late spring, 20 cm apart from other plants. The plant will reach a height of 50 cm, sitting below the canopy of cannabis.

You can keep harvesting the flowers through the season, which will allow the plants to keep pushing out more flowers. But, what do you do with so many marigolds? Well, get creative! Use the flowers to make cosmetics like extracts and balms, especially like this organic cannabis salve we made!

6. Alfalfa


Alfalfa is another great choice for a companion plant since it offers multiple benefits for cannabis. The most prominent benefit is that it is a natural repellent for various harmful pests like Lygus buds. 

Additionally, it grows deep roots, which helps improve the soil’s drainage. Many growers state that they can get away with watering the plant less frequently, thanks to alfalfa. 

Plus, it accumulates nitrogen from the environment and leeches it into the soil, boosting your cannabis plant’s flowering capabilities. You can also let this plant be and turn it into mulch instead of harvesting it.

This plant is hardy and drought resistant, so you can grow it anywhere. The best time to sow it is between April and July. All you need to do is toss some seeds into the soil and they will root quickly. Just remember to avoid overcrowding them. 

7. Red Clover

red clover

Red clover is another plant that is popular as a nitrogen fixer for cannabis. Essentially, this plant works with a particular bacteria in the soil to pull nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available for the cannabis roots. 

This bushy plant also blooms with red-pink flowers that resemble pom-poms, which attract a lot of pollinator species. 

The best time to sow red clover is during the early spring when the temperature is still somewhat low, or in autumn if you live in a warmer region. You need to sow the seeds 1 cm deep and 5 cm apart. 

8. White Clover

white clover

Just like red clover, white clover is also quite a popular companion plant for cannabis. White clover is a terrific pest repellent and also acts as a living mulch, locking in moisture and fixing nitrogen for the roots. Additionally, thanks to their nature, they also suppress the growth of unwanted weeds in the soil.

And getting your garden soil covered in white clover is also quite easy — they grow across the surface easily, without guidance.

Before you sow the seeds, you need to inoculate them with rhizobium bacteria, which will ensure the plant will fix nitrogen when it grows. The best time to sow the seeds is in early spring. Remember to sow them in slightly acidic and moist soil that is rich in potassium or phosphorus

When they bloom their white and pink flowers, you can either harvest them and make salads or sautéed chicken or let them grow as they attract a lot of bees and butterflies. 

9. Dill


Ask any gardener (or a chef) and they will tell you how much they love dill — these are used in salads, pickles, soups, and chicken recipes. They make a lot of dishes more delicious!

But apart from making your food tasty, this celery species can also protect your cannabis plants from various harmful pests like spider mites and caterpillars. 

You can sow dill seeds directly into the soil as soon as the last frost ends. In cold regions, it is recommended to sow them a centimeter deep in the soil, 30 cm apart. However, sow them on the top in warmer regions.

10. Lemon Balm

lemon balm

No list of companion plants is complete without lemon balm. This herb has various benefits like protecting from pests, hiding the skunky smell of cannabis, and even improving the cannabis’ natural flavor profile.

Lemon balm has a strong citrusy smell that helps your cannabis plant in various ways. The citrusy smell drives away various pests like gnats and mosquitoes. 

Some growers even claim that lemon balm leaves a slight citrusy hint of taste to their cannabis buds, which improves the flavor profile. And many people enjoy smoking cannabis with a citrusy hint to it. 

If you're growing lemon balm, it is recommended to grow them in pots. In a garden bed, they might grow too wild and leave little to no room for cannabis. 

Honorable Mentions

There are hundreds of companion plants for cannabis, and this guide only contains ten of those. But there are many more that you can look into, depending on your preferences and goals.

Here are some other excellent companion plants that you can check out:

  • Comfrey — pulls nutrients and prevents mold spores
  • Thyme — shelters cannabis against fungi and promotes biodiversity
  • Sweet peas — makes for a terrific mulch, keeping weeds at bay
  • Borage — enrichens the soil with minerals and vitamins
  • Basil — masks cannabis smell, improves flavor, and repels harmful insects
  • Coriander — repels aphids, spider mites, potato beetles, and other pests 
  • Oregano — attracts beneficial insects 
  • Chamomile — prevents fungal spread, deters harmful pests, and enriches the soil with potassium and calcium 

The number of companion plants you can grow with your cannabis is practically endless. It all depends on your preferences. You can either grow one companion plant or ten around your cannabis. 

Summary: Best Companion Plants for Cannabis

If you've never thought of growing companion plants for your cannabis, now is the time to do so. It is totally worth the extra effort. Not only will you get to protect your plant and improve its health, but you may also get to enjoy a relaxing tea grown in your own garden.

There are some growers that still claim that companion planting is pseudo-science — that's not the truth. The principles of companion planting are well studied and established. And as more and more growers learn about permaculture, the more they are likely to invest in companion planting. 

Plus, it is better to grow a few gorgeous plants in your garden than risk your cannabis plants to nasty pests — at the very least. 

Companion planting has been successful for thousands of years for all kinds of plants, so there is no way it can go wrong for your cannabis plant. However, you may be confused about what plant is the best companion for your cannabis. If this is your concern, follow these tips:

  • Learn about the common problems your plant may face depending on its strain and your local region
  • As per the common problems, choose companion plants that can help fix those problems
  • Choose companion plants that grow well in your region 
  • Participate in the local growers’ community to see which companion plants offer the best results instead of testing and trying for yourself 
  • Ensure the companion plants you grow are compatible with each other — a simple search on the internet can help

So, go for it — grow companion plants in your garden and help your cannabis grow better while avoiding harmful pests and other common problems. You will also get to improve your garden landscape drastically.

And, last but not least, who doesn’t like the sight of sunflowers or lavender in their garden?


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I have grown a lot of autos this year with Companion plants and can say they don't like to have their root space invaded they dwarf the plants heavily. But growing them in a container next to them it was much better. Can confirm that marigolds did not do much to deter aphids and mint is crazy aggressive in the root zone so not ideal in the same pot. there is something to be said about a broad range of flowers in the area to attract predators that will eat pests. I love dill and cilantro for this very reason, only effective outdoors though.
@Kviatech, I have not used a cover crop indoors on any of my plants. clover is an option but makes it hard to top dress my pots with dry amendments. if you are thinking of clover then get a small dwarf variety and trim it down on top of that. When you tilled the clover plants "not seeds" into the soil it releases nitrogen it fixed from the air.
@m0use, which plants have you successfully used as cover crop in indoor in same pots? Clover is probably one of them?
I plant a variety in my garden to distract people, It has become a challenge for my adult kids to find my weed. I grow dill, sunflower, hops, zinnias, mint, thyme, catmint, Russian sage, tomatoes, cucumbers, and rosemary. The secret to camouflaging your cannabis is with color, different sized plants, and smells.