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How To Make Rick Simpson Oil At Home?

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Added 5 November 2021

Rick Simpson Oil or RSO oil is a full-spectrum cannabis extract meant to aid with several ailments. 

Introduced by Rick Simpson, many proponents praise the oil for its efficacy; however, some critics claim otherwise. 

This article will explore everything about this controversial oil and how you can make it at home.

One can consume cannabis in various ways, but cannabis extracts are super potent and more effective than flowers. Extracts are also psychoactive if they contain large amounts of THC. However, not everyone uses extracts with the sole intention of getting high. Medical cannabis users find cannabis extracts very useful since they are potent and highly effective. 

Among extracts, RSO has gained much attention ever since Rick Simpson released a popular documentary exploring its healing potential. The controversy surrounding RSO stems from the belief that it can heal some symptoms that defy modern medicine. 

Rick Simpson indicated that RSO could treat cancer. The documentary went viral immediately, and thousands of user testimonials sprung up claiming that the oil was nothing short of a miracle. Despite any clinical evidence, RSO became extremely popular. 

Making cannabis extracts is one thing, but claiming that it cures cancer is another. Such bold statements are quite dangerous for those that don’t understand how to prepare it. In addition, you cannot self-medicate when suffering from cancer. 

However, if you still want to experiment with RSO, it’s best to understand a bit more. But first, let’s start with Rick Simpson. Who is Rick Simpson, and why did he make RSO? And, most importantly, how can you make it at home? Let's find out!

Who Is Rick Simpson?

Rick Simpson

Rick Simpson became famous after his documentary "Run from the country" in 2008. He explained how he was able to conceptualize and create RSO in detail. His experiments with cannabis began after an incident that changed his life in 1997. As an engineer in Nova Scotia, Canada, Rick was busy working when he suddenly took a nasty fall and hurt his head. 

He did recover after returning from the hospital. Still, things never remained the same as he was diagnosed with tinnitus — a medical condition characterized by persistent ringing in the ears and dizziness. When traditional treatments failed, he sought other ways to treat his condition, and his research led him to cannabis. 

Initially, Rick tried some cannabis with his friend’s help. Surprisingly, it helped manage his issues. Filled with hope, Rick requested a medical marijuana prescription, but his physician turned him down. Finally, with no other option and a condition that kept worsening every day, he decided to experiment with cannabis. 

As a result, he began growing the plant and created an extract that made him an epic figure in the cannabis industry. 

What Is RSO?


RSO is a full-spectrum extract. Several types of extracts can be created using the cannabis plant. 

Full-spectrum contains all components, including THC, CBD, terpenes, and flavonoids of the plant. Broad-spectrum extracts are similar, except that they contain no THC. Isolates, on the other hand, are isolated components, like CBD or delta 10 THC isolates, for example. 

Since RSO is a full-spectrum extract, it also contains THC. Most medicinal marijuana users rely on broad-spectrum extracts that mostly contain CBD and are devoid of THC because they cannot handle the narcotic side effects of THC. 

RSO can be applied topically or used orally. Grain alcohol is the most common solvent used in the production of Rick Simpson Oil. Butane and ethanol are also used as solvents in preparing RSO. 

Typically, RSO is thick and dark in color. As mentioned already, it’s highly potent, and users often administer doses by consuming grain-sized amounts through a syringe. Of course, the potency depends on the type of strain and process of preparation, but we will get to that later. Syringe storage or dosage offers a more extended shelf life for the oil because it prevents oxidation. 

Why Did Rick Simpson Make RSO Oil?

Once his doctor refused to help, Rick was forced to grow the plants himself, but that’s not all. Rick wasn’t some mad scientist shooting arrows in the dark. Instead, he had genuine reasons to try his hand at preparing an extract that had the potential to help him. 

Simpson didn’t have a lot to go on. Nevertheless, he began researching medical data that gave some insight into cannabis. He gathered that alcohol could work as a solvent to extract high amounts of cannabinoids and other plant components. 

Interestingly, the extract managed a few of his problematic symptoms by lowering his blood pressure and improving sleep. Note that his persistent issues after the injury seemed to dissipate as well. 

However, life got more challenging for Simpson when his doctor diagnosed him with skin cancer. Although he underwent surgery, it came back rather quickly. 

Simpson simply had no choice other than to turn to cannabis once again. And, since he had experienced positive results in the past, he figured he could try his formula again. After conducting more research, Simpson was convinced of the plant’s ability to fight tumors and decided to directly use the skin on his skin. 

Incredibly, Simpson claims that his cancerous growth went away within just a week! He explained everything about the oil in his documentary. Soon after the documentary was aired, thousands of people began experimenting with cannabis on their own, and the rest is history. 

Simpson didn’t stop at that. He went on to establish a foundation called Phoenix Tears that helps people prepare the oil themselves. 

Potential Benefits Of Rick Simpson Oil

Rick Simpson and many other users claim that RSO can be used in treating several medical conditions. However, there’s a dearth of studies and research to prove the claims. Most of these assertions are yet to be verified by medical experts. 

Having said that, we conducted our own research to find out if the oil has any potential. Although we did find many users claiming that the oil worked for them, it’s important to note that there’s no clinical evidence. Therefore, one has to rely on the information on the internet when administering RSO, which is a shame. 

One particular report of a study conducted on RSO shows how a patient suffering from Leukemia found positive results after ingesting RSO. However, the patient’s quality of life had decreased considerably after recurrent chemotherapy treatments. Unfortunately, the patient passed away, but the report speaks highly of RSO and medical marijuana in general.  

Lack of scientific data has not stopped the widespread use of RSO due to ineffective medical solutions. In addition, most people are desperate to try anything.  As a result, people self-administer RSO to treat conditions such as Cancer, Insomnia, Asthma, Depression, Arthritis, Inflammation, Infection, High blood pressure, and Multiple Sclerosis. 

So, is it safe to try RSO? Yes and no. You must speak to your physician before self-medicating yourself. Treating your common cold with cannabis is one thing, but cancer is a different beast altogether. Using RSO without chemotherapy is undoubtedly a bad idea until more studies prove its effectiveness. 

Comparing RSO and CBD oil

cbd and rso

The preparation process, composition, and effects of CBD oil differ from Rick Simpson Oil extracts. For example, RSO is a full-spectrum extract, while CBD oil may be processed as a full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolate. 

In addition, CBD oil is non-psychoactive, whereas RSO can induce all the negative side effects associated with THC, including dry mouth, nausea, and paranoia in high doses. Therefore, one way to prepare an extract with fewer side effects would be to use strains with equal amounts of CBD and THC. 

Since CBD somewhat reduces the side effects of THC, it may work to manage some problems. However, many patients require THC in high doses, so you must speak to a professional to understand how to treat your problem. 

Another difference between CBD and RSO is that while RSO is prepared using butane or ethanol, CBD oil is typically made utilizing CO2 extraction. 

RSO is unrefined and crude, so it’s almost black. On the other hand, CBD oil has a golden hue, is translucent, and is refined. RSO has a higher concentration of terpenes and cannabinoids, while CBD oil has fewer terpenes and cannabinoids. 

Standard CBD oils undergo third-party testing to ascertain the presence of heavy metals and other contaminants such as solvents and pesticides, but there’s no such thing for RSO, unfortunately.

Is RSO Safe?

RSO can be safe or dangerous depending on how it’s made. . You must be cautious while preparing the extract, whether you’re a seasoned or an inexperienced cannabis user. 

In some cases, the oil may be contaminated with strong alcohol. Two common risks associated with preparing RSO are fires and explosions, prevalent amongst inexperienced oil makers. Remember that it’s very risky since you will be using highly flammable alcohol to extract the cannabinoids. 

How To Make RSO Oil At Home?

Making RSO

RSO is not your regular cannabis oil, so the steps to make it at home are also different. The idea is to eliminate carrier oils to end up with a crude, vicious, and thick oil extract that contains only cannabis phytochemicals. 

Ingredients and Equipment

Note that you will need a considerable quantity of cannabis to make RSO. Typically, you may extract 60 grams of RSO from 500 grams of dry bud. 

The quality of the final product relies on the type of cannabis you use. Homegrown organic cannabis works very well; however, not everyone has access to growing cannabis at home. 

Therefore, source your buds from a dispensary with a good reputation. In addition, make sure you check the cannabinoid profile before purchasing them. Most dispensaries provide lab tests that offer all information, including the cannabinoid profile, contaminants, and other details. 

If you’re looking to make potent RSO with prior permission from a physician, go for strains with high amounts of THC and CBD, but if you’re simply looking to experiment with RSO, you can go for strains with lots of CBD. 

For starters, it’s important to create clean RSO and avoid contamination as much as possible. Start by sterilizing all your tools, including bowls and spoons. 

First, gather all your equipment, including bowls, a cheesecloth to strain the mixture, wooden spoons (metal reacts with the mixture), paper clips, plastic syringes, a lighter, and a food-grade plastic bucket. 


450 grams of organic cannabis buds

5 Litres of 99% Isopropyl alcohol

Step 1: Add the buds to the plastic bucket. 

Step 2: Agitate and stir the mixture with a wooden spoon for at least five minutes to let the components of the cannabis buds infuse with the alcohol. 

Step 3: Strain the solvent into another bowl with cheesecloth.

Step 4: Although optional, you can repeat step 3 using leftover buds. However, this process may require more alcohol.

Step 5: Fill the rice cooker with the dissolved solution to about 3/4th of its capacity and place it in a well-ventilated location.

Step 6: Set the rice cooker to about 100 to 110 degrees Celsius. Add the remaining solution to the rice cooker as the solvent evaporates. 

Safety tips: Ensure that the rice cooker is sheltered from sources of flames such as burning cigarettes, sparks, etc., due to its highly volatile nature. 

Result: You will notice a thick crude extract that resembles tar as the solvent evaporates. 

Final steps

Step 7: Dip a paperclip into the extract and collect a small amount of the extract. Move away to an open space and light the clip on fire. If it burns and catches fire, then cook the mixture for a few more minutes. This means that the alcohol hasn’t evaporated completely. Repeat the steps until the extract is devoid of alcohol. 

Step 8:

Siphon the extracted oil into syringes and store it in your refrigerator. If you feel that the oil is too viscous, run the syringes under warm water before dosing. 


Several people use Rick Simpson Oil to treat various illnesses, but these claims have no medical backing. Clinical trials and studies are hopefully underway to verify the claims of its healing effect, but that will take time. Also, exercise caution while making RSO at home since it contains highly flammable alcohol. 


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BraveheartGeneticscommented3 years ago
If this RSO is to be ingested, why do the ingredients include a potentially toxic alcohol. I assume grain alcohol will be better if being ingested. Although, I have watch a few videos regarding this and found that using 70% reduces the amount of plant matter left in the oil. Is this true?
doctaganjacommented3 years ago
@@BraveheartGenetics, i use 96% consumption alcohol
chronicstercommented3 years ago
@@@BraveheartGenetics, My wife uses this as her main medicine now. It took her off of fentanyl and is in fact nothing short of a miracle to us. :) If cooked completely down, there is little to no alcohol left. We use the method above and dip something non flammable in the mixture and try to ignite it. After a few times of doing it, you can pretty much tell when the alcohol has boiled off. We've actually found benefit to leaving a little alcohol in there (which is how you can make a great tincture) We use the 190 proof (95% alcohol) when we make it so as to have the highest concentrate of alcohol for this and leaves the least extra junk in it. We grow organically as well, so purity is a factor for us. We freeze both the decarbed mixture and the everclear when we do the agitation mix, we don't measure, just get the ground up, decarbed bud good and soaked with a little liquid headroom. We've found that the freezing gets the least plant material in the end product. Once we've strained the mixture and made the coconut oil / RSO oil suppositories (allows her to take higher doses without getting high) she takes the leftover plant material (after drying it for a few days to allow any alcohol to evaporate off) and makes capsules out of them with a machine she got from amazon and empty capsule shells from Amazon. She uses these for supplemental oral pain meds using stuff most (and us in the beginning) would just throw away. We've let family try them and they said they work great for pain. The lower concentrate seems to have more water which actually brings more plant matter into the mixture. That is our actual experience, though I will say that was earlier on and our method may not have been quite down yet so I'm not certain. We just made a batch of RSO meds a few days ago... I'll make sure to record the process next time from start to finish and maybe I'll grab a 70% and see if I can find a direct difference between the 2 that I can document and post to my diaries.
chronicstercommented3 years ago
RSO is an amazing medicine and has allowed my wife to stop using Fentanyl and instead use RSO oil made into suppositories with Coconut Oil. Organic Cannabis (turned into RSO)+ Coconut oil = amazing medicine, edible additive etc. REITERATION OF THE LAST PARAGRAPH... USE A FAN TO BLOW THE FUMES AWAY FROM YOUR COOKER!!! The fumes can be STRONG!! A good fan blowing fumes away should be good but use precaution. NOTE: The fumes are heavier than air and can settle around the base of your cooker (totally invisible by the way) and if they accumulate in too great amounts near electronics, a spark could ignite the whole thing and cause an explosion.
Haosscommented3 years ago
I did that today, put the dry buds in a blender and add 99.7% alcohol, blended for 2 minutes and transferred the mass to a sterile filter, squeezed well and stood in a well-ventilated room, I want the alcohol to evaporate on its own and I mix the obtained mass into food glycerin, which I pour into the vapor. I have a question: is it necessary to evaporate alcohol at 100-110 degrees? If alcohol is evaporated by itself, will it not have any effect on smoking?
JeyGaneshacommented6 months ago
@Haoss, my friend you can let evaporated by itself..Will be very Good when u smoking..I do always like that....Good luke👍 And If you eat,chucky324,Tell you rigth..
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@Haoss, Hello. If you plan to smoke the oil than the heat will turn the THCA into THC but if you plan to eat it than you'll need to heat it to turn the THCA into THC. If it gets to hot it can boil away THC and Cannabinoids and terpenes. You said smoking: you should be fine. Chuck.