Hey, Growers!
This March is about to be hot! MarsHydro is giving out a LED grow light and Female Seeds is here with their amazing gift pack for you to start the season right!
Awesome stuff is happening in March!
10 x Winners of Diary of the Month will be getting:
Female Seeds:
10pack WWxBB
10pack Grapefruit
10pack Critical Sour
1 t-shirt (white or green)
Mars Hydro:
Mars Pro II Epistar 120 LED Grow Light (first place)
LED safety glasses!
There will be THREE Growers of the Month (so go get on those Grow Questions, people!)
Female Seeds:
10pack WWxBB
10pack Grapefruit
10pack Critical Sour
1 t-shirt (white or green)
1 Bottle of PK Finale
Mars Hydro:
Mars Pro II Epistar 120 LED Grow Light (first place)
LED safety glasses
Newbies of the Month will be awarded with:
Female Seeds:
10pack of AutoNL
10pack of WWxBB
10pack of SexBud
Ready, Set, Grow
GD Team